On God and His love.

by Blueblades 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    If God is such a loving Deity, why the apparent need to kill off sinners before they would die naturally? If He were truly loving, wouldn't He allow them every opportunity to repent? By killing them He has sent them directly to Satan, His enemy.

    Would a truly compassionate Being allow --even dictate -- that their children be tortured mercilessly, i.e.Hell. Think about it.


  • Blueblades

    What I primarily mean by God is: The creator of after death torment. The judge and punisher. A conscious designer of the universe.

  • JamesThomas

    Deities are imperfect and filled with contradiction and inconsistencies as they are reflections of our own mind. Their reality only as firm as our beliefs in them.

    Truth, is realized through clear awareness of what is false. So, keep questioning.


  • Blueblades

    JT. I agree with your logic. I want to thank you for the many times you have posted answers to many other topics.


  • JamesThomas

    Hey Blue, thank you too.

    Questioning the ideas of "God" that we have been raised with is extremely important; it is not a little or easy thing. We often build our personal identities around our religious or "spiritual" beliefs and interpretations, so to question them, is to question are own definitions of who we are.

    In the discovery of truth, what we find is our own actual and true identity.

    So really, good luck to you; and continue to sincerely and earnestly question everything.


  • Whiskeyjack


    Well said (are you a Steve Eriksen fan?).


  • dh

    Assuming I believe in God as defined above.

    I think creation was a whimsical act of self indulgence and that all the things we think 'matter' are just afterthoughts. My view is that if there is a conscious creator of everything, it commited moral crime when IT created life because it wanted to and another one when IT failed to give that life the very best it could, and if it did the very best IT could, it wasn't enough and it shouldn't have been so stupid as to create life in the first place.

    Men talk about other men playing God, I always thought who the F@#k did God think he was playing God. I don't see the difference except one is more powerful, (big deal). I think morality is universal and therefore if there is a God, I in all my arrogance judge that God and find it guilty.

    Edited to add: Of course I know I can't do anything about it because I am just a man, but I still have my thoughts, and if I go to hell because of them, well, then I will see you all there, hahaha.

  • JamesThomas

    WJ, sorry, no, I am not familiar with Steve Ericksen.

    dh, I soooo understand your feelings. I too went through a lengthy period where the most vile of murderous hatred was felt towards a god or deity that was responsible for the worlds suffering. It was an important stage that I had to let-go of, or self-destruct. It taught me well though: that there is no truly satisfying answers in beliefs of a god separate out-there. It helped facilitate and motivate a deep inwards investigation into the only unequivocal truth available: conscious-awareness.

    Am I this suffering little entity lost in a world full of same? Is there a more significant actuality and reality? What is true? Who the fcuk am I, really?

    No matter how crazy it may seem, it really is important to deeply question everything and radically investigate into this character we believe ourselves to be.


  • dh
    dh, I soooo understand your feelings. I too went through a lengthy period where the most vile of murderous hatred was felt towards a god or deity that was responsible for the worlds suffering

    Yeah, it's not a big deal because honestly, I have thought those things since I was a kid. I don't really have vile murderous hatred for 'God' if there is one, I just think the whole speech of life is quite pointless, if there is a God and it does what it wants, well, I'm a man and I'll do what I want. If I get punished for that, well, I rather be punished for that than kiss ass and get rewarded for being an ass kisser!

    I don't really know if I believe in God or not, I think it's a waste of energy to even think about it (or define it) because it's impossible to understand, and as I've said on here before, whatever I think God to be, is just a creation in my own head, if there is a God, no man has any idea what that God is, so I don't try to grasp it anymore because I can't.

    All this being said, and to reitterate... To judge the actions of a being I don't need to define the being itself. I know that creating something just because you want to, is selfish, and to not give your best to your creation, is cruel, and to make it suffer, is immoral, and to kill it, is murder... Like a parent having a child and then tormenting it, IS immoral, any being that created all this junk and then let it suffer (made it suffer), is not deserving of love in my eyes, and if we as humans make it (find happiness), we should thank ourselves and our fellow men, not some spook in the sky.

    Am I this suffering little entity lost in a world full of same? Is there a more significant actuality and reality? What is true? Who the fcuk am I, really?

    I don't even give a shit about that anymore, I just want to live this life, try to be happy, and die, I don't want to live forever, I don't want to go to heaven, I don't want to go to hell either, but then I didn't ask for this life either... The way I see it (and have seen it since I was very young)... I never had a choice in any of it, it's like being raped. You are forced to live, forced to die, forced to heaven, forced to hell, forced to live forever... I think the stuff religions say is completely insane. Some of us were happy and content when we were nothing, and I think that is the main reason why I say creation was immoral, because it was not necessary but yet it still happened.

    I was fine, happy, content... Then I woke up and I was a human on earth.

    If everything happened by chance, then morality is not an issue... If it's the will of a being, then from day one, life itself is tainted.

  • MerryMagdalene

    Here is something I have been contemplating lately:

    "For more than two thousand years people in Western culture have feared God. In fact, we have hated God for putting us in what we thought was a closed universe where there was no escape from death. But the Age of Darkness is ending and the Age of True Enlightenment is here. The truth need no longer be supressed.

    "The truth is that God is the Great Affirmative that always says, "Yes," to your thoughts. If I say, "I am going to die when I am around seventy," God says, "Yes, whatever you say," and gives more energy to that thought....

    "The truth is that you are the Source, and part of the Source... you and the Source are inseperable. All your relationships are up to you; you can have them however you want them because God the Source pours energy into your thoughts and desires.

    "What is God? GOD IS LOVE



    "Who are you? That is what you must determine." --Sondra Ray


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