Yep -- Ya sure can't say it enough . It's father son and holy spirit not father son and WTBTS . As far as loyalty for God , wasn't Ted Jaracz in charge when they joined the UN as an NGO ? I notice they still cling to 1914 but didn't go into why they believe the babylonian captivity started in 607 bce. No j-dub even question the 7 times 360 dogma either . True they do believe in the the kingom of heavens ruling the earth but they just can't seem to understand how the whole thing works , so now it's let's wait and see how it plays out ? It's like they keep claiming to speak for God but somehow we can't trust ourselves anymore . LMAO Why can't they ever use the words "in our honest opinion"? OH that's right they don't want to admit the use of dogma even ..... ARRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHH who in their right mind is going to take this crap serious enough to sell everything they own and teach others this type of BS ?
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 3-13-05 WT Study
by blondie 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks Blondie,
Amazing how the WT spin keeps going around and around and around and....
This willingness to give up what may be held as valuable
Are you motivated by [the Kingdom good news] to make the necessary changes to bring your life-style, values and goals into harmony with what Jehovah (the organization) requires?An elder in good standing I know of is building himself and family a plush 7000 sq ft house with swimming pool and home theatre and a waterfall at the front entrance (his last house was grandiose but this one is even more so). The congo here is not wealthy and I wonder how he can stand up there week after week and spew this stuff out. I guess he thinks Jehovah has blessed him more than the rest. Seems like most of the time life in JW land makes more nonsense than sense.
Thanks blondie,
When was the last time we heard of a GB member traveling the world preaching, enduring want and hardship...not in our life time. The hypocrites! Its fine for everyone else to do without and to have the meagerest of lifestyles...But not so for the vainglorious GB! Leave their Ivory Towers and do the Grunt Work!? Ha! Never happen...not since the days of the Apostles anyway!
We attended this morning . This article is hardly a classic to remember. The theme is Matt 24.14, which always inspres a yawn, (Oh no ! not again) the purpose is to inspire the workforce in the face of a pretty damning annual report - overall a measly 2% growth, which in real terms of an increased population is a decrease . Looking at Britain, which is pretty average at everything, they baptised 2573, (mostly kids growing up as far as I can see) plus the 2003 Av pubs = 123051. but there was only 120514 in 2004. Where are the missing 2537??
Of course a few died or moved abroad others just disappeared , and.some have come on to this board, but almost all the increase has evaporated away .
What are saying about this? Are the figures presented as a serious problem? No. They pat themselves on the back , comment on the increase in tiny places where the numbers are small and just pretend that everything is fine. Turning a blind eye to the problem will not help . Still why do I care? I am delighted if more are seeing the truth and leaving.
Para 19 took my attention
"These are difficult times but we have solid reasons for believing that what we are pursueing is real and beyond compare - like the pearl that the merchant came upon. World events and fulfilled prophecies provide convincing proof that we are living in the 'conclusion of the system of things' Let us, like the travelling merchant demonstrate wholehearted zeal for Gods Kingdom and rejoice in the privilige of proclaiming the good news"
It just struck me , that at one time I would have found that very motivating. I really used to think that we were a special people, that we had knowlege that was revealed to us and hidden from the wise and intellectual men of this world, and it was our duty to live the life and tell the message......What an idiot
Par.19, Solid reasons, Fulfilled prophecies, Conclusion of the system of things.
Where have we heard this before, and how many times.
Fulfilled prophecies have become Failed prophecies.
Solid reasons have become matters on which corrections of viewpoints have been needed.
ON and On, Round and Round we go.
The lesson is actually directed at the GB AND THE REST OF THE PARTAKERS., SO--CALLED ANOINTED. Who don't won't do the door to do work or make sacrifices, no , that's for the rank and file to do, who have no heavenly hope even if they find the Pearl, they have to hand it over to the GB,WBTS.
After paragraph one where it talks about misunderstanding prophecy I almost said,
"Even in our modern day the Bible Students already thought that Jesus had arrived in 1873 and were actually prophesying that the end - as in Armageddon - would occur in 1914. Of course, after 1914 passed they had force a change in thinking."
Just enough details to question, but I would have saved myself at the end with the benign "change in thinking" to make it seem harmless.
But I have rarely answered lately so I figured that would arouse too much suspicion ...
The time is not right yet ...
Thank you Blondie, for all your insight.
"Then, based upon the promises set forth in the divine Word, we must reach the positive and indisputable conclusion that millions now living will never die." MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE
Copyrighted 1920 -
A good point from blueblades .Revelation says that the great crowd washed their robes in the blood of the lamb and not anything about obeying a publishing corporation who BTW will admit they are just a publishing corporation while they are banned in certain countries . Technically all christians are called to heaven . The 144k just have a position of co- rulership but the great crowd are admitted to the kingdom of the heavens as well . The ones that are not admitted are ones that are destroyed . Once again the kingdom of the heavens is actually the city of new jerusalem that lands on earth during the great tribulation and jesus is the door .