WTS Property Developments in London?

by hillary_step 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    Yes, the results might be interesting. I am not sure of the address of the Charities Commission, but the relevant details are Company No : 136726 Registered Cahrity N0 : 216647.

    It may amuse readers to note that the IBSA is 'prepared to invest any monies of the Association not for the time being required for its objects, in such investments as may be thought proper and of varying any such investments, funds are invested with several major financial institutions and in harmony with our Christian principles'

    Good on them!

    Best regards - HS

  • anglise
  • stillajwexelder

    Buying real estate in London has always been a sure -fire bet - the WTBTS know this and have made a lot of money in the process and can protest it because of Britains Charity laws

  • metatron

    I just wanted to express my appreciation for your uncovering of these documents. It's good to see more evidence

    of declining contributions in particular.


  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    Are these documents freely available on the net or only on enquiry with the Charity commission?

  • hillary_step


    No, I do not think these documents are available for public scrutiny, at least the ones that I have. It would do no harm to write to the Charity Commission and ask for the Annual Report And Financial Statements for the IBSA, or WTS England, but they may refer you to either the Trustees or the auditors.

    Best regards - HS

  • core


    each individual charity (Watchtoer Society of Britain etc etc and all congs file accounts which can be viewed in summary at the Charity Commission - link is for the information filed by the IBSA

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