Do you still attend the occaisonal meeting with your believing family members? If so, do you find any value in what's presented?
I still attend the occaisonal Sunday meeting with my believing wife in an effort to show my respect for her feelings and my willingness to be tolerant. I have to admit though, I find absolutely no spiritual value in going. The focus is constantly on what works you need to perform to be saved, and how the Watchtower is the only source of information on these works. Salvation is, by extension, through Christ Jesus, but only after one has embarked on the Watchtower bible study plan. Even the NWT translation of John 17:3 is indicative of this mind set, "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you..." Actually, the phrasing here in the original greek donates "knowing" God, not "taking in knowledge", as in studying scriptures or some sectarian publications. Most other translations make this clear. But, I digress. The point I'm trying to make is, if you are not a practicing JW, the meetings are very difficult to get any comfort or solice from. It's like attending a "how to" meeting on getting back into God's good graces without the grace. Not to mention the constant self aggrandizing the Watchtower does. It's hard for me to get passed all of this and squeeze some tidbit of value from attending. I guess the old expression that "you can't squeeze blood from a turnip" is appropriate here... I wonder about blood fractions though?