Do you find any value in attending the occaisonal meeting?

by 24k 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • 24k

    Do you still attend the occaisonal meeting with your believing family members? If so, do you find any value in what's presented?

    I still attend the occaisonal Sunday meeting with my believing wife in an effort to show my respect for her feelings and my willingness to be tolerant. I have to admit though, I find absolutely no spiritual value in going. The focus is constantly on what works you need to perform to be saved, and how the Watchtower is the only source of information on these works. Salvation is, by extension, through Christ Jesus, but only after one has embarked on the Watchtower bible study plan. Even the NWT translation of John 17:3 is indicative of this mind set, "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you..." Actually, the phrasing here in the original greek donates "knowing" God, not "taking in knowledge", as in studying scriptures or some sectarian publications. Most other translations make this clear. But, I digress. The point I'm trying to make is, if you are not a practicing JW, the meetings are very difficult to get any comfort or solice from. It's like attending a "how to" meeting on getting back into God's good graces without the grace. Not to mention the constant self aggrandizing the Watchtower does. It's hard for me to get passed all of this and squeeze some tidbit of value from attending. I guess the old expression that "you can't squeeze blood from a turnip" is appropriate here... I wonder about blood fractions though?

  • confusedjw

    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ----- No.

  • AlmostAtheist

    I haven't been back and don't ever plan to go. But it sounds like a sensible and tolerant approach that you're taking.

    I can't imagine any genuine value to be had. You can't even argue that you're at least getting a little Bible exercise, since it is all slanted toward the Watchtower. If anything, you come away knowing less than you went in with. It would be like attending a regular series of science seminars by the Young Earth Society. The challenge would be to not let what you do know get corrupted by some plausible comment that sneaks past your bullsh*t filter.

    Maybe you could get a bit of value by noting a particularly egregious point made and asking your wife to explain it? Not argumentative, just ask for an explanation. Might get her thinking. Might get you labelled "opposer".


  • Gill

    24K - I hope your wife and family appreciate what you're doing for them - sitting through all that *$**!!

    But you must be a very tolerant and patient person - so well done for doing something I personally could NOT do even if my life depended on it - go to another KH! The very thought aaaaaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!

  • mkr32208

    Negative, just walking into a kingdom hall makes me claustrophobic and upset... I don't even like going in there for weddings!

  • blondie

    Only if I can conduct the WT study and give the talks.

  • JAVA

    As I attended fewer and fewer meetings it became obvious how little value the meetings were to me, spiritually. The meetings are nothing more than training sessions to sell the Watchtower Society and make it look good. To this day I wonder why it took so long to figure that out! 24-k, you attent some of the Sunday meetings "to show my respect for her feelings and my willingness to be tolerant." I hope that's helpful, but wonder what does your JW spouse do to show respect for YOUR feelings? Most JWs want others to be tolerant of them, but sadly can't return the favor.

  • 24k
    If anything, you come away knowing less than you went in with. It would be like attending a regular series of science seminars by the Young Earth Society. AlmostAtheist

    I'm still laughing at that one! It's so true it's scary.

    Maybe you could get a bit of value by noting a particularly egregious point made and asking your wife to explain it? AlmostAtheist

    We've had some pretty wild conversations during the meetings. I often wonder what everyone around us is thinking when they see this very intense and animated whispering going on, both of us pointing at our bibles and clearly arguing. Of course, I'm pointing things out in my pagan NIV version, the use of which raises eyebrows anyway.

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    24K, I think it is very nice that you do that for your spouse. For believers the meetings can be dry and not very fulfilling, for unbelievers I can't imagine that there is anything of value for you there. I would simply tune it out and use the time for some quiet thinking or failing that bring something else to read. Trying to find something of value at a JW meeting is just not possible I don't think.

  • 24k
    I hope that's helpful. Java

    This is something I struggle with every day and a good point to contemplate. I do wonder if going is actually counterproductive.

    but wonder what does your JW spouse do to show respect for YOUR feelings? Java

    Really, nothing. As you know, no compromise can ever be made unless I'm the one making it. This is, of course, very unhealthy for a relationship. But, I'm sure most everyone here has struggled with this issue.

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