hello my friends hope u r all well? what i would like the poeple know in the chat room of a night i would like u to know that 1) i have a learning promblem 2) im not a good speller as sum 1 really hurt & upset me last in the room & im thinking of leaving cos of this person 3) my parents died now im living with my foster parents i call then both mom & dad as they have been very good to me 3) i have got abit of dyxsile so if no 1 wants to help me then please dont talk behind my back if u have sum thing to say....post me a message 4) i do belive in god & all im asking is for sum help 2 help me on my travels thank u 4 listening angel.
all i need is help
by angel1234 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
What kind of help do you need?
Big Dog
Angel, I'm very sorry if someone hurt your feelings in the chat room, knowing the people on this board I don't think it was intentional. The chatroom can be pretty wild and playful sometimes and it is easy to misunderstand some of the things that might be said as you can't see the people you are chatting with. I can't imagine anyone here intentionally hurting you if you have a disability. Tell us what kind of help you need and I'm sure you will get plenty of help.
Sure, angel. Let us know what we can help you with. From what I gathered from last night, your boyfriend (not a Jehovah's Witness, but his parents are) stood you up on a date the other night. I understand that your grandma took care of you the most, and she died recently. I am guessing you are sad and lonely.
Am I right so far?
Here to help and hoping to hear back from you soon.
I'm sorry you were hurt.
Some people hurt my feelings when I first joined up, too. I remember saying something like "maybe this isn't the right place for me". That was about 800 posts ago, and I am very glad I stayed.
Sometimes people hurt us without meaning to. That is probably what happened to you.
I'm sure there are lots of people here that can help you.
What questions are you trying to answer?
Hey angel, Nice to see you here!
I know sometimes people here get a little anal about spelling, though its usually when they are in a heated argument and have no other points or are loosing. Also, sometimes, trolls come here and spell incorrectly tying to look like a kid when the are really probably 40 years old. This puts some pople on guard. Sorry your feelings were hurt, but I can promise you that 95% of the people here are very, very nice.
I have a niece who has a learning dissabilty, and she spells phonetacally as you do at times. Sorry about your family loss, it's great you have a nice foster family!
Hope to hear from you soon.
Have You Seen My Mother
Hi Angel,
I dont post very often but you being hurt in chat touched a nerve with me. I chat in here more often than I post, and sometimes people do get carried away with thier thoughts and actions. I am verry sorry if you had your feelings hurt. I have dyslexia also, but I have been through a lot of developmental therapy to help with spelling in my younger years, but I still have to watch what I type and read because i get my letters mixed.
I wasn't in chat when you were in there but if you need a question answered, you can privately message me to ask a question if you feel too pressured on this board. Just right click on my name and thats how you can send me a msg.
There are many loving people on this board, and they will be glad to help you if they can.
Welcome! Melba
Hi Angel,
Welcome!!!! Please don't let one person be a reason for you to leave this forum. In any group there will always be a few bad apples. The majority of the people here are very encouraging, supportive, and helpful. So give us a chance, hang in there, and share your story /experiences.
What kind of help do you need? Are you a JW, exJW, DF'd, DA'd, or fading? What's going on in your life?
I'll be checking back to see what's up with you.
Okay whos being a bully in chat? Hummpt!
Sorry Angel that you had a bad experience in chat, please don't let that keep you from trying again. Most people are very considerate and the others well we have ways of dealing with them ....*said in a wicked evil voice*bwhahaha.
If it happens again feel free to notify one of the Moderators on the forum. Here is the list of Moderators:
Another thread which will help you out here:
Welcome to JWD Angel!