I'm soooo pi$$ed.....need help..

by morty 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sassy

    good for you Morty! I hope someone can help you!!

  • confusedjw

    Comb your hair - good luck!

  • morty
    Comb your hair - good luck!

    UPDATE............ Doing a happy dance... I got my money back!!!!!!!!!..I feel soooo green right now.... I received it in the mail today...It was only 95% of it, but I will take it!!!! Thanks for your support.... and by the way, I did comb my hair.... Morty

  • Billygoat

    (((((Morty))))) I just read this thread. I'm so sorry to hear about this - yikes! But it's cool that you'll be on the news about it - maybe it'll get enough of the public's attention and the courts could force them to pay you back.

    Good luck tonight!


  • bebu

    Wow! Great to hear the turnabout! !!!!! Very excited for you!

    Now I hope that you can take the vacation you wished!!!!

    (Too bad I couldn't watch you on the news. That would have been fun!)


  • Brummie

    gawwd I feel so gutted for ya morty (((hugs)))


  • Brummie

    I received it in the mail today...It was only 95% of it, but I will take it!!!

    Oops, only just saw this...too cool, its better than nothing and takes a bit of the sting away. Good!!!

    x x x

  • Aude_Sapere


    I did not expect that resolution. I'm so happy for you!!

    So --- Where are you going to go now?

    Do you have more vacation time stored up from work?


  • myself

    Morty, I am so glad you got most of your money back. I was reading thru and was seething, knowing that the company was hours away from going bankrupt and yet they were continuing to take money in knowing the consumers were going to lose their money. Buyer Beware. Thank you for teaching us all a valuable lesson.

  • target

    Just a side note-you talked to the bank and "they" said they could do nothing about it. It has been my experience that a lot of stupid people (but now all) work at banks. When you do not get a good answer, ask to talk to someone else, like the manager. Although last time the manager was stupid too. I had to go to a different branch to find someone with a brain. Do not always assume that the answer you get is the right one. Just keep that in mind for next time. There always is a next time.


    oh, and congrats on getting your money back

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