I stumbled on this site by accident and I'm kind of glad I did. In the past I have typically avoided these sites because most people on them seem newly bitter and I didn't like the tone. I was raised a Witness by an alcoholic father and an abusive stepmother. I was DF'd two years ago after four years of inactivity. I, like others on this forum lost everyone who was close to me, and at the age of twenty one had to completely start a new life. I have never ever regretted the decision I made however, only that I had to lose so many people that I loved. I sincerely believe most of these people are good people, just blinded by a religion that does not encourage free thinking. (to put it mildly) For years I struggled with my decision to leave, thinking that eventually I would have to go back to "the truth" as that was the only way of salvation. It wasn't until I met the man that is now my husband that I was set free. He encouraged me to research the witnesses and see what they were all about. He had done extensive research on them himself. I came across these sites and it never occurred to me that there were people out there with situations so similar to mine. I was so naive for so long. I was married before, at the typical JW age of nineteen, and it was the divorce at 21 that catapulted me out of the religion. My ex husband had coerced me into doing everything but having actual intercourse before our marriage and I felt so guilty for so long, never realizing that it was so commonplace. I thought I must be the only person with a completely f-ed up family life, never realizing that this is the norm for JW families. So many things, and I can't believe how similar some of these stories are to mine. Someday I will print my story in its entirety. It's quite captivating. Until then, I enjoy reading people's posts on their experiences and feel good finally knowing that I am not a horrible person because I left this religion!
by writegirl 34 Replies latest jw experiences
it never occurred to me that there were people out there with situations so similar to mine. I was so naive for so long.
My exact thoughts for the first week I was here.
Glad you found us and even gladder that you posted...!!
Wecome to the Board.
Welcome Writegirl
Welcome, Writegirl,
I ended up here by accident too and am glad I did. And I'm glad you did. Enjoy!
WELCOME, Writegirl!
You'll fit right in here! Looking forward to learning more about you.
Welcome writegirl!
I came across these sites and it never occurred to me that there were people out there with situations so similar to mine. I was so naive for so long.
Now ain't that the truth! Exactly why the JW Boys Club in NY doesn't like people on the internet. You actually find out that any problems you are having in your congregation isn't just a "local" thing like your elders want you to believe. It's a cancer that is spreading out of control throughout the org, the lack of true love. The guys in NY want to keep you "naive". Good for you for getting on with your life and finding a husband who I bet loves you unconditionally!
Cathy L.
New Worldly Translation
Hello Writegirl!
Glad you stumbled across us
Welcome Writegirl!
Welcome Writegirl,
By your introduction,it sounds like you'll blend in just right in here.Enjoy yourself,lots of smart people here who can THINK and share some wisdom mixed in with a little humour.
Welcome to JWD writegirl!
I'm glad that you found this site. Enjoy reading. I will be looking foreard to reading more of your story in time.