1. 9 people out of 2500 got baptised. My calculator is packed away, but that's about .025%. What fine increase! Keep in mind this also included three foreign language congregations, one of which is the only group in the state.
Large group for a circuit assembly; where do you meet?
What was the age and gender breakdown?
2. The bible was likened to GPS, and had "perfect guidance for every SECOND of life."
I understand that the GPS is programmed by a human.... but that makes sense since JWs are following human programming. or is that channeling.
w94 10/1 p. 8 The Bible?A Book Meant to Be Understood ***Even as Bible prophecy pointed forward to the Messiah, it also directs us to the close-knit body of anointed Christian Witnesses that now serve as the faithful and discreet slave. It helps us to understand the Word of God. All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah?s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.?John 6:68.
3. Young people were told to "Stay in their cage." I kid you not. 2499 out of 2500 people appauded.
That reminds me of the illustration given at the last CA I went to. People were compared to a young elephant chained to a large stake. It could only go as far as the length of the chain. As the elephant got older and stronger and able to pull the stake out of the ground, it still would not go beyond the chain, because it was conditioned to think it couldn't.
There is an old African story that says, "If you take a baby elephant, place a chain around one of its back legs, hook the chain to a stake, and then drive that stake into the ground to restrain the baby elephant until it's big enough to fend for itself. When the caretaker removes both the stake and the chain from the elephant's back leg, the elephant will not venture out beyond the length of the chain that once restrained him. The story goes on to say that the elephant has been conditioned to accept residency in a mental prison given to him by his caretaker."
4. In a rhetorical aside to defend the harmonization of the synaptic gospels with the late addition of John's text, the district overseer concluded his statement with "evidently, as it is, as it were, so to speak, you see."
I wonder how many there knew what the Synoptic Gospels were and why they are called that?
w76 1/1 p. 26 The Beloved John Presents "the Word" ***Such external evidence as is available (but not mentioned in this article) indicates that John wrote his Gospel very late in life, about the year 98 C.E., and at or near the city of Ephesus. He no doubt was familiar with the other Gospel accounts written much earlier. This would explain why, by and large, he does not cover the same ground as do the other three (known as the "synoptic" Gospels because they present a like point of view). In fact, 92 percent of John?s material appears in his Gospel alone.
5. The worst "new light" was given off-handedly. I quote directly from district overseer Bro. Bartell
On the foundation of faith: "Consider that the spiritual rock-mass on which faith is built is obedience."
Yes and obedience is the theme of the DC this year...but obedience to whom? The WTS/FDS/GB?
w98 8/15 p. 19 Strengthening Our Confidence in God?s Righteousness ***Let us be convinced that obeying Jehovah, following the direction given through his organization and accepting his decisions, is the right thing to do.
w97 11/15 p. 18 Faith Moves Us to Action! ***Wisdom from above is "ready to obey," promoting obedience to divine teaching and cooperation with Jehovah?s organization.
w91 9/15 p. 17 "Help Me Out Where I Need Faith!" ***During the great tribulation, it will be just as imperative that we follow the leadings of the holy spirit and obey Jehovah?s instructions through his organization.
6. As a final unusual claim, Bro. Bartell claimed that even perfect people would need to be disciplined through the organization of God."
Perhaps he was thinking of this:
w92 10/1 p. 27 Learn Obedience by Accepting Discipline ***Jesus? parents also recognized their responsibility as regards discipline. True, during his prehuman existence, Jesus had always been obedient. But while on earth, he learned to be obedient under entirely new circumstances. For one thing, he had to obey imperfect parents because even a perfect child needs discipline in the form of instruction and education. This his parents provided. Discipline in the form of punishment, on the other hand, was unnecessary. Jesus always obeyed; he never had to be told twice. We read: "Then he went home with them [his parents] to Nazareth and was obedient to them."?Luke 2:51, Phillips.
and that the God's counsel now was "the words of the anointed, and also the bible."
See quotes above...yes, they do think that the words of the "anointed" = Bible.
Thanks for the tidbits.
Love, Blondie