April 1st Question From Readers Justifies "Bribery" and "Tipping"At Times!
by minimus 16 Replies latest jw friends
ANYBODY HAVE THE ARTICLE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
w05 4/1 p 29 Question From Readers
Should a Christian give a government employee a tip or a gift for his services, or would that be viewed as bribery?
Wherever they live, Christians seek to exercise practical wisdom in dealing with local situations, remembering that what is acceptable and legal in one land may be totally unacceptable and illegal in another. (Proverbs 2:6-9) Of course, a Christian should always bear in mind that anyone who wants to be "a guest in [Jehovah's] tent" must shun bribery. - Psalm 15:1, 5; Proverbs 17:23.
What is bribery? According to The World Book Encyclopedia, "bribery means giving or offering something of value to a...person in a position of public trust, who in return violates his or her duty or the law in order to benefit the giver." Thus, regardless of where on lives, it is bribery to give money or a gift to a judge or a police officer to pervert justice or to an inspector to turn a blind eye to a defect or a violation. It is also bribery to use a gift to receive preferential treatment, such as getting moved forward on a waiting list or bypassing others in line. Such a course would also betray a lack of love. - Matthew 7:12; 22:39.
But is it bribery to give a gift or a tip to, say, a public servant in order to obtain a legitimate service or to avoid unfair treatment? For example, in some lands officials may be unwilling to enroll children in school, admit a person into a hospital, or stamp immigration documents until they receive a tip. Or they may procrastinate in processing applications to renew licenses and permits.
Tipping practices and the general attitude toward them vary from one place to another. Where such payments are customary or expected, some Christians may feel that within the law, they are not violating Bible principles when they tip an official to perform his duty. In some lands people may even view such payments as a gift to supplement a public employee's otherwise low income. Keep in mind that there is a difference between extending a gift for a legitimate service and offering a bribe for an unlawful favor.
On the other hand, when making legitimate requests, some of Jehovah's Witnesses have declined to give tips to inspectors, customs officials, or others even where such gift-giving is routine. Because the Witnesses are known locally both for taking this conscientious stand and for their honesty, they sometimes receive treatment that most people get only through a payment. - Proverbs 10:9; Matthew 5:16.
In summary, each servant of Jehovah must decide for himself whether he will extend a tip to receive a legitimate service or to avoid unfair treatment. Above all, he should pursue a course that leaves him with a good conscience, that brings no reproach on Jehovah's name, and that does not stumble others. - Matthew 6:9; 1 Corinthians 10:31-33; 2 Corinthians 6:3; 1 Timothy 1:5.
I heard the WTS bought a brand new fire truck for a town that didnt have one. Dont remember why. Maybe someone else has heard and knows what I am talking about. I think it had to do with the town did not currently having a tall enough ladder or boom on the truck they had so they would not give the WTS permission to build a building that was too tall for them to service in the event of a fire. So the WTS bought them a truck big enough to handle it and recieved permission to build from the council. Anyone remember this?
another post I replied to about the fire truck....
Thanx Doingmypart for the article!!! I wonder if the role was reversed and an official actually was a JW......Would he be allowed to take a "tip"???
I wonder if the role was reversed and an official actually was a JW......Would he be allowed to take a "tip"???
Only if he was an elder and made 'significant' donations to the WTBTS on a regular basis.
What a Bunch of Hypocrites