Are There Current JWs Who If They Became XJW's, You Still Wouldn't Trust?

by xjw_b12 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mamacat

    I could forgive certain past behaviors from most people, but never anything like pedophiles, etc. There are some people that are just plain rude no matter what their beliefs. Then, there are those that were just following what the GB said and that is why they shunned, or tattled on others or crammed their ideas down your throat. I think that is different.

    Then, I think of someone like my mom....she is very submissive and modest. I am fairly sure that is her personality, and that it has nothing to do with her being a JW. Even if she were no longer a JW (I can hope), she still would not be the type of person to kick back with and have a drink or laugh at dirty jokes, etc.

  • peggy

    I honestly think that some have personality disorders. The narcisist comes to mind. They have grandiose beliefs about their own abilities, they always need to be in control. Those are personalities I try to avoid, JW or not.

  • garybuss

    There are Witness people who said . . . "We'd like to arrange for your sons to shun you."

    I would like to expose them to something that might be called a humbling experience. I'm just waiting for a chance.

  • Frog

    As you say acknowledging how wrong you were is a very humbling experience. And leaving the faith does tend to bring out the good qualites you were repressing in order to be compatible with the faith. Therefore any poor sod that has to go through the same experience is likely to have more in common with you after leaving the faith than when you knew eachother in it. I always felt that I would have never chosen several of my dub friends to be friends if it wasn't for the circumstance I found myself in. I think I'm a far more trustworthy person now that I've left the faith than I was in it, so I'd hope that people who might have felt slighted by me on the inside would give me a fair go on the outside. It's impossible to be truley loyal to your friends on the inside, to me these weren't real friendships at all.

    luv frog

  • Dustin

    I honestly know many people who I wouldn't trust no matter what the situation was. There's alot of JW's and non JW's who I don't trust. I learned the hard way about trusting people. The fact of the matter is you almost always get burned. I only give out just enough information to get a point across. Very rarely do I open up and expose myself for others to see what I really feel. It was a hard lesson to learn, but at least I know now.


  • jeanniebeanz

    I think it would really depend on their demeanor and attitude.

  • confusedjw
    Yes, how about the elders who said

    "We would like you to go to another hall"

    OMG that is actually funny. I love the fact they had the guts to just be honest with you and tell you this. You must have really gotten under their skin!

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