one of the very first cracks in JW theology I discovered was their strange notion that Jehovah "could" know the exact future if he wanted to, but chose not to.... translation, the future exists to be known, but Jehovah does not want to spoil his own fun so made himself willfully ignorant... they give the analogy that he is all powerful but choses to excersize his power selectively and not all at once lest he set the universe to self destruct.... seems almost reasonable until I realized that it just does not work... if anyone Jehovah or otherwise could even in principle know the REAL future that is coming, then it means that it in a sense already exists and no choices are more than our ignorance. and even Jehovah himself is just a puppet to fate or Destiny... his choice to be ignorant is thus no such thing, but just part of his nature.
most of christendumb says that God is all knowing, but that he gave us freewill anyway, not seeing how stupid that really is... if God knows everything, including every move he himself will make, then he does not have freewill nor can he give it to anyone else...again he is a puppet of his own foreknowledge. if you say he can know EVERY possibility and CHOSE which one to act upon, then unless you suggest he is insane or stupid, he must chose the best one and again there really is no choice.
without the myth of freewill humans cannot properly be damned for being exactly what they never had any choice in, which makes just about every religion fall apart.... but there is no real reason to believe that freewill is more than a myth.
if my actions have CAUSES in the stream of time, then they are obviously NOT free. If they are random, they are equally obviously not willed nor my choice... so freewill is nothing but an oxymoron term without vaildity other than in myth.
if there is a single past which lead up to where we all find ourselves right this moment... the single present... it would seem that the inertia of reality will guarentee only a single future will result..... so the illusion of choice seems to stem from nothing more than our ignorance of what course we will take until we take it... the future may be unpredictable but still completely determined.
recent physical models relying on 11 dimensional membrane theory seem to confirm that every event in the entire universe has been part of this single unfolding of events which stem from this eternal nature of reality which no one made....often over looked by those who beileve in a creator is that he had no say in his own existance and so his eternal nature was never a choice.