A star supernovas because it is the nature of phenomena to flow and change; what is born, will die. If there were life-forms on an orbiting planet which ended because of the stars blast, our minds would likely label it "bad". But, really, what does nature know of bad? Things are just moving and changing.
In a universe which expresses infinitely and unchained by any abstract concepts of good or bad, anything can happen, everything can happen. Look around you, isn't that the way it IS?
Of course this answer is unsatisfying, because suffering continues. Suffering we would like to see end.
We can continue to disagree with and try and fight the reality of what IS (good luck), we can put our heads up our ass and just not care about anything, or we can question our beliefs in ourselves as tiny fragile entities adrift in a sea of good and evil. As long as we continue to see self as a fragment separate from the allness of things, there is a natural desire for a sense of wholeness in-which every avenue is travelled including murder, rape and plunder.
Can there be a deeper and more significant seeing and discovery? What is true? Who am I? Am I this broken child? Can it be clearly seen to be a mental fabrication? Who/what, the hell am I, really?
Radically questioning can be a doorway to freedom. A doorway that is always open.