JW table at small airport

by Bryan 59 Replies latest jw experiences

  • willyloman
    and was in fact a cult that you're basically not permitted to leave with any grace, or without great risk to ties with family and friends.

    Nice choice of words, see.

    I suggest this as a sign, posted at the entrance to every KH in the world:

    'Warning! This is a cult. If you join us, you will not be permitted to leave with any grace. You will forfeit all ties with family and friends.'

    That would have an interesting impact in the annual "growth" figures, wouldn't it?

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Thanks willyloman.

  • Junction-Guy

    I havent flown on a plane since 1991, but I have been to a few airports since that time to pick people up. I have never seen JW's set up with a table before at an airport. Bryan, was this a full fledged airport with real airlines like Delta? or just a small prop-job type airport?

    Maybe I need to go back down to the Knoxville airport and see what the JW's are up to there.

  • Gollum

    I just have to jump in and say that I absoutly agree with Eduardo's primary point. Free speech is free speech. You either have it or you don't. There are all sorts of groups that I think are at least as dangerous, if not more so than JW's (Republicans come to mind

  • Gollum

    Okay, for some reason part of my post got cut off. What I was saying that while I may strongly disagree with, and think their ideas are dangerous, I don't have the right to censor that group. I can loudly point out where they are wrong however. My reference to Republicans was made somewhat jokingly, though in all honesty I think many of the ideas are more dangerous than most JW's .

  • jeanniebeanz

    Okay, at the risk of getting personally flamed *again* by people who rather than sticking to points resort to personal attack...

    Free speech is not free speech without responsibility. Your rights to freedom of speech end where you start hurting people.

    My point, and my view, is that no group that advocates breaking up families, letting children die rather than give them a needed blood transfusion, hide pedofiles, and scar their people to the point that they cannot function within society to their full potential have no business on government property. This is not limited to JW's but *any* group which does not act in their own peoples best interests.


  • seattleniceguy

    Hello jeanniebeanz,

    I certainly won't flame you. No worries. :-)

    Free speech is not free speech without responsibility.

    As Gollum pointed out, it is not our right to decide what kind of speech is good and what kind is bad. If we do that, then we return to a totalitarian regime like the Witnesses, where opinions we don't like are suppressed. Just because we feel the suppression would be a good thing in this case does not make it right. Plenty of people think that we tear apart families by encouraging religious dissent. Does that mean that we should be outlawed?

    The key to combatting information you don't like is to make sure that people are informed regarding contrary facts and opinions. The solution is always more access to information, not less. That's why the Witnesses will continue to decline as the Internet becomes more widespread.

    Whether we like it or not, even psycho groups like the KKK have the right to say what they want. That group even has a web page with an FAQ section that reads eerily similarly to the Reasoning book. Groups like these are defeated, not by instituting a totalitarian ban on their "bad speech," but simply by making sure the contrary information is freely available. Only nutcases join the KKK today. Soon it will be the same with the JWs. In the meantime, we wage war equitably by keeping our ideas readily accessible.


  • No Apologies
    No Apologies


    My point, and my view, is that no group that advocates breaking up families, letting children die rather than give them a needed blood transfusion, hide pedofiles, and scar their people to the point that they cannot function within society to their full potential have no business on government property. This is not limited to JW's but *any* group which does not act in their own peoples best interests.

    And who decides which of these groups are 'ok' and which are not 'ok'??

    See jeannie, the great thing about living in a relatively 'free' society, is that people are totally free to do stupid things, like come up with crazy religions. It's not a perfect system, but its better than most of the alternatives. (My favorite would be a worldwide government ruled by a iron-fisted, yet benevolent, dictator, preferably myself.)

    No Apologies( of the glad-I'm-not-the-only-one-who-gets-freedom-of-speech class)

  • Bryan


    It was a very small airport with "3" gates. My plane was a jet, but I believe it would have flown just as well with props.

    Yes, everyone is correct, free speech is free speech. I was offering information which is what most everyone says we fight with. Speech with speech.

    Have a nice day!


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • jeanniebeanz

    Arghhhhh!!! At this point I feel as though I am having an out of body experience!

    At least I was not being shredded for my apparently unpopular opinions though. There have been a lot of people around lately that don't show much class, so thanks for that.

    Okay, let me ask a simple question then. Where does freedom of speech end?


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