The bible, like other religious texts, contains some valuable wisdom about human character.
Keep in mind that (and this may sound odd) there is no "bible." It is a selection from a much larger source of holy writings, cultural documents, law accounts, folk lore, and mythology. These in turn demonstrate heritage from previous documents.
The development of the human relationship to the infinite can seen as progressing from early anthropomorphic deities to Hellenistic and abstract God's, with representative saviours that are common to many religions.
It's a valuable book to be learned from and contemplated. It is a terrible book to take literally, as evidenced by thousands of years of warfare, murder, and intolerance from those who put too much stock in their own perspective on it.
What it means for the future? If people can deal with reality, and let go of cultural escapism at the pressure of globalization, then the last great contemporary hurdle is getting past Zionism and Millenialism. Many good sources document the marginalization of a cultural group (those who feel they don't fit it) with apocolyptic thinking and agendas.
For the world to survive, we have to 'get it' that the world must survive. As repetitive as that seems, the pressure is to live into a socially constructed la-la land that excuses one from all responsibility.
I recommend and aspire to the path of Ghandi - find the good in all religions.
Or take the Zen path, that's great!
1. Accept and promote the good that is.
2. Create the good that is not yet.
3. Prevent the bad that is not yet.
4. Do not support the bad that is.
I go on and on.
Best wishes,