Did any members of GB visit your congregation?
by badboy 11 Replies latest jw friends
When I was in NY, several GB members visited to give talks. It was a big coup. When a new KH was dedicated, often a GB member visited to give the talk. The last few years I went to the DC, the main talks were given by GB members and visited the congregation(s) I was in.
Was it because they were close at hand,they visited.
No, they traveled quite a ways in some cases when I lived outside NY, flew. They like to attend the conventions near their families or where they have made friends.
Some are limited by their health now but, no, GB members travel more than many people I know.
When it is a KH dedication, usually someone in the congregation has a "Bethel" connection or they just call and see what their schedule is. Of course, the congregation pays for their expenses to get there.
I found that they are not "revered" as much the closer you get to Bethel headquarters though.
Yea, it was a big deal that they were giving talks but then again I lived in the NYC metro area (Orange County, by Wallkill) so it wasn't like they had to travel that far. On top of it, while at the time I thought they were amazing speakers, most of the time they sounded exactly like what they were: bitter old men who believed nearly everything in the world was evil. However, I will say that Fred Franz did amaze me with that he had the whole bible basically memorized and when he did a talk he didn't turn to scriptures but said them verse for verse from memory...yea, I don't agree with the stuff he wrote but I still think that is an amazing piece of dedication.
I remember when I was a kid N. H. Knorr came to our city. I think, if memory serves me, that it was for a hall dedication. They had it at a local coliseum (one not usually used for assemblies) because they ended up inviting the entire circuit since he was coming. I remember that he went an hour overtime on his talk. And that he was booorrrriiinnnggg.
We had them speak at our assemblies and conventions quite often. I can't remember an instance of them coming to a congregation, though.
I heard Fred Franz in Beaumont, TX in the mid-80's. He was already blind as a bat and very feeble, but he did command attention. I also thought the fact that he could give a complete sermon with scriptures with no notes was amazing.
No - but we always have GB Speakers at our District Convention
We had Fred Franz visit our hall one night. Whoo Hooo! *sarcasm intended* He was shaking my hand, but looking (with his poor eyesight) at someone else.
LOL That dude reminds(ed) me of Professor Hubert Farnsworth from futurama. Even the mannerisms.
Good news everybody! Armageddon will occur at precisely 6PM October 1, 1973.