I just pushed out an update that should now show post votes and provide some feedback when you click the like / dislike button. The votes shows as a +5 / -2 next to the like and dislike options.
I just realize I linked the display to the ability to vote and given that the vote links are hidden on your own posts, that currently means you can't see the votes that others have given you (I'm almost wondering now if that may be for the best, LOL). Expect it to change when I push the next update out.
Duplicate votes won't be counted even though they may appear to update in the UI so don't bother trying to go click-crazy - every member only get's one vote on each post.
Just a word of caution: I take serious people who try to game the system. If I detect anyone doing mass likes or dislikes of a particular poster which is obviously not based on the content of the posts then the account will be immediately suspended.
The system is meant to provide feedback to the author and other members what some in the community think of their comments, not as a way to retaliate against people for past grievances or disagreements or reward friends and supporters - please use it responsibly and base things on the content of people's posts.
In the same vein, please don't get offended by down-votes and start demanding to know "who did it" or campaigning to get people to like your votes. It's a discussion forum, not a run for presidency.
I expect to be at the very bottom of the dislike pile so no one should worry that they will be the most disliked person on the forum :)