Thanks for the advice guys, I'm taking everything said here into consideration.
Fortunately I've always been a big water drinker, in fact its rare that I drink anything outside of water. Nothing beats a nice glass of iced water in my opinion. As far as the doctor goes I had a checkup about 2 months ago and I'm cleared for exercising. I should have mentioned this in the first post, even though I have'nt maintained any steady exercise for 10 years I usually manage to do something physical 3-4 times a month. Whether its weight lifting, running or basketball, the problem is that I never do it consistently.
Well I weighed in this morning and I'm down about 2-3 pounds, my wife also says I look a bit smaller. I think the weight training has really helped. It gets a little confusing for me when it comes to weighing myself because whenever I start training with weights it seems like I quickly put on 2-5 pounds in the first couple of weeks. I'm not sure if its water weight or muscle, but at any rate I feel good about the small progress I've made so far. I'm basically doing HIIT cardio a few times a week, along with weight training. Starting this week I've been really conscious about my meals, I plan on eating 4-5 small meals throughout the day. I will be 33 in about 2 months so I'm really hoping I can see a big difference before that day rolls around.