am i the only one?

by crizlee 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • crizlee

    yea i hate this religion and all religion. i want to prove there is no god somehow in my future.. ha we already did.. man can create man. but one must realize this kind of shit just doesnt happen in the jw religion. i mean friends can eff each other in any other place and marriages fail all over the world these days.

  • Preston


    You're in college man, more than likely you've passed by their meat markets already. Join a club, get on a sports team (you're in good shape), read the school paper, find out what's going on. Don't forget to wear revealing clothing (you're in good shape). And don't forget what they use to say at the service meeting, "Go where the people are". And if you're really desperate go on one of these dating sites aimed for teens like you. Stick by my words, get out of your social rut, and you'll be up to your elbows in vagina in no time.

    - Dr. Preston

  • crizlee

    yea, i so needed that. today at school, my friends were just tellin stories..i got kinda down because i wasnt in those stories. but i am in a few stories this year.. haha.

  • Golf

    Greetings and welcome,

    crizlee, you say your seventeen and " life got wasted away?..." My oldest daughter is 41, would you care to tell me how your life got wasted away? I'm all ears!


  • Whiskeyjack

    Hey C,

    Please just remember, we're bombarded thru our media on what you have "to have" or "have to be" to be a happy "normal" person. Don't buy in to that. Most of these happy, self-actualizing individuals have their own problems and personal issues which they don't display publicly.

    At 17, you've got a "few" miles left in you yet and you're already 4 plus years ahead of the "game" than I was. The best thing I can recommend is to talk and interact with as many people from different cultural and socio-economic backgrounds as possible during your school years. While our collective experiences growing up in the org. are unusual, we're not the only ones who've been thrown a "curveball" in life. My high school years were horrid (probably worst than yours) but I had a great university experience!

    Your life is just beginning old fella!


  • AuntieJane

    Hi Criz, I think you're pretty cool coming to this board and all. Some advice from 'old auntie. Be patient. It sounds like you are having a lot more fun than you used to, right? And, really, with TV, movies, advertising, etc. making everything and everybody look like they are just having so much can get a person to thinking they are missing out. You aren't! I raised 3 kids and they felt just like you did at 17, 16, 15, etc...Lonely and left out. And they weren't even JW's. One of my girls was even Homecoming Queen and she went through hell thinking no one liked her, and believe it or not, she didn't have a date til she was a Senior! I taught them all to be independant, to be their own person and not to copy everybody else. They've done just fine. Hope this gives you a little better are NOT the only one believe me. (btw, I believe in God and think he is the guiding force in us all, I hope you don't get totally away from him...just stay smart and leave the JWs far behind). You can email me anytime you want.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours


    the only good thing i can say i have accomplished is aceing classes and keeping in shape physically, and goin to college.

    I feel you're doing pretty good so far! You're still extremelly young. Concentrate in finishing your college degree and you'll still plenty of time for good fun ahead. Don't feel bad at all. You're making a solid foundation for better times later on.


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