Their was this guy that we saw on the sidewalk yelling things at the witnesses that were walking by. They called him Mr. Coffee. Rumor had it that the demons wouldnt leave him alone unless he did this everyday and that his wife was a Reg. Pioneer. I remember he told a young sister in our group who was young and had just started wearing makeup that she looked like a harlot. Being a young teenager myself I thought it was actually kinda funny. Do any of you guys remember him and if so do you have an experience or more info on this guy? Thanks in advance.
During my two trips to Bethel in the early 90's. MR. Coffee
by PaNiCAtTaCk 18 Replies latest jw friends
Mr. Coffee was actually a DF'd witness. I believe he was at one time associated with the Brooklyn Heights congregation. He had a special hatred for Harold Dies (sp?) and Leon Weaver. I don't remember the circumstances. We even had occaision to be the subject of his taunts a time or two when we were there performing our donate the services stints. He'd shout at me - "another new suit this one has ... $40 a month hah!" Little did he know it would have taken a Bethelite a whole year on their $90 a month to buy one of my suits.
Do you know about Coffeemate? He was a bum that used to mimic Mr. Coffee, much to his chagrin.
One of the Bethelites actually ran over Mr. Coffee once,broke his leg too. Accidentally of course. I think the Bethelite was Bob Thahl (?)
I heard that when he got run over by a bethelite driving a WT van, and he won $100,000 in the law suit. He was called or nicknamed Mr.Coffee because he would critisize the brothers drinking coffee on the way to work saying they were addicted to caffine and that's why they stayed in bethel.
Anybody remember Lady Margrett? She used to swear at us as we went to work on a fairly regular basis. And then there was the Appostle Jack boy was he loud.
I remember Mr. Coffee. Actually, I felt bad for him since everyone made fun of him.
I remember the man who slept on the bench between 124 and 25 Columbia Heights.
And the people laying on the floor in the subway by Brooklyn Bethel.
"Just step over them" said a Bethelite to me. "Ignore them."
I used to wonder if anyone ever tried talking to them about God and the future.
I used to make up sandwiches and get juice cans and give them to the one on the bench and we would chat.
My Bethel "friends" said, "Don't talk to them."
I guess they were the equivalent of my "leper," not that I could "heal" them but I could see them as people.
The sign language congregation in manhattan had a problem with homeless people sleeping on the concrete step going into the Kingdom Hall. Solution: help them ......Nah! The elders decided to build an iron gate up to the side walk and thats what was done.
I remember Mr. Coffee. He used to yell "slaves to the WT" or "Michael Jackson owns the WT" He was usually out there on Columbia Hts. street in front of the 107 building at lunchtime and occasionally after breakfast.
BTW the bethelite that ran him over was nicknamed unofficially as coffee-creamer... lame bethel joke.
I remember the GBs used to take the back streets when walking to work (the ones that didn't get taxi'd around) so they wouldn't have to walk by Mr. Coffee. I remember Mr Coffee getting in Barr's face one time and screaming at him. Barr just kept walking and pretended he didn't hear him.
I wonder what ever happened to him? It's sad to hear of someone to overcome by the WTS.
How unchristian to ignore homeless people.
I remember Mr. Coffee! He would shout out at the top of his lungs over and over: BRAINWASHED! BRAINWASHED! BRAINWASHED!
There was a freight elevator right outside of 124 that connected to the sidewalk. When it went down, it would disappear into the ground. I remember Mr. Coffee saying this: "And there they go into the depths of hell!"
I thought he was hilarious. I think he is an ex-bethelite from the 50' that's what I hear.