What does it take to be an MS these days?

by Pwned 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    yES >>> 10 HOURS PER MONTH - that is a must have requirement

  • ValiantBoy

    Hey...don't knock the servants..I was one for a couple of years and I wasn't half as bad as a lot of you guys would imply

  • whyamihere

    They may have a penis but no balls!

    Why is their penis between their shoulders???? Stupid Di*k Heads!


  • IP_SEC
    And shave those sideburns!

    That only applys to if Don Mattingly was going for MS

  • dannyboy

    LOL @ Blondie

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    OK. Alot of the MS wannabes are kiss-ups. They're the preferred candidates, but in some unique situations where the pickings are very slim (and the elders are very lazy and want to offload alot of parts and paper work) then you just have to have a passable reputation in the congregation. Its all about appearances.

    Nearly all the guys who were my age in this one hall either left the jws, or got busted for using drugs or getting drunk often. It was easy to have a good rep compared to them, despite my never commenting at the WT and my slightly below average field service hours. So they made me an MS and stuck me with alot of paper work.

    They didn't ask me whether I believed everything though dammit. They just asked whether I thought there was anything I was lapsing in, any secret sin I was committing, that would disqualify me as a MS (Yeah, right...Like I'd admit to the porn ). See people. Lying doesn't pay. I covered that "sin" up and had to be a MS for it.

  • undercover
    Having a pulse and not missing meetings?

    It seems these days that they are taking less qualified people to become MSs. I think it's because fewer and fewer men are becoming JWs. Even boys raised in the truth are falling away at a greater rate than they were 20 years ago.

    The defections and the low recruitment rate means a smaller pool of men from which to choose from. So they have to 'settle' for whatever they can get.

    The downside(or upside if your the WTS) is that you can mold these people easier, especially if they take the assignment too seriously. The small taste of what they call 'responsibility' can warp them to becoming company men, doing as they're told without thinking or reasoning. In time they become elders and then you will have a brand new crop of unqualified, unlearned, unmerciful company men doing whatever they're told at the bidding of their master, the WTS, causing heartache and misery for all the R&F that serve under them.

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