This e mail is making the rounds. I am not sure of the validity of it but here it is anyway. What I find amazing is that video games would be allowed in the first place. TEACHING COMMITTEE REPORT -Games of Violent Nature- Talk by George Couch - Wed. January 5, 2005 At Gen. 6: -- we read of a violent world in the pre-Flood time. We are now living in the time of the End. Does an inducement toward violence exist today? Yes, in violent video games, which make violence appear "innocent." They even have religious connotations, and contain words such as Covenant - God - and Theology. Some twenty-three years ago, Paint-ball war games was invented. Some have played for years before coming here, to Bethel... and some have now brought in electronic games. Prov. 16:29. Frankly, the Governing Body is concerned with the spirituality of the Bethel family. 1 Cor. 11:3 -- ".I fear your minds will be corrupted away from..." And, some translations use the term "seduced." To seduce means to persuade into disobedience. What God condemns is made to appear attractive. However, Jehovah is not entertained by these games. Fighting is glorified in them and all actions are preceded first, by thoughts. - Psa. 11:5. The dangers have been recognized, and concerns voiced, on the part of ordinary people for their families also... even those who are not Jehovah's worshipers. Certainly, we who love Jehovah do not want to have violent attitudes. Anyone possessing games of a violent nature -- they are to destroy such games, immediately. Or, if they continue to be involved they will be disqualified from Bethel service. -- Gen. 6:13. One brother researched the Awake! article -- recognized such games for what they were, and stopped playing immediately. We must make our relationship with Jehovah the prime thing in our lives. Everything we receive, and information given to us here, is directed to protect your life. And, we are confident you will all feel the same. The Scriptures advise us to "Watch the blameless one". We are encouraged to follow that one's example.
Violent Video games @ Bethel
by NikL 11 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry..can't post now....right in the middle of a game of Grand Theft Auto...................
Hi NikL, I am a gaming enthusiast myself. I'm not one for the glorification of evil, such as exist in San Andreas, I bought the game for my stepson, for which I regret, mostly because of the wickedness that's reflected in the game, I on the other hand, don't see war games as that offensive and have bought one, Ghost Recon.
War games I feel have their place as war is just a part of life in this world we live in. Even the bible gives several accounts of warfare, being done in the name of Jehovah, King David one of the principle players. Also the scriptural reference to a time and place for every affair under the heavens, a time to be born and a time to die, a time for war and a time for peace.
I don't fault the society for thier stance, if that be an actual email they've floated around. Video games can be addictive and time consuming to no end, so I can understand their position, should that be such. To be as dogmatic as to remove someone from service because of their choice in video games, seems to me a bit over the top, but I understand why they would feel that way.
The games were not created to entertain a mythical god, they were created to entertain people, the gov. booby would rather the rank and file molested little boys. The book of myths [bible] has many many tales glorifying battle, killing, lot sleeping with his daughters,god asking to have people sacrifice their sons, women giving them selves to have sex with invading armies till they die. the taking of other peoples land by force, and a plethora of other violent crap, I say ban the bible, much to violent
Banning violent video games from Bethel premises sounds legitimate to me. What they ought to be concerned with is how many young JWs play these games at home these days. This ain't Pac Mac and Donkey Kong we're talking about.
They even have religious connotations, and contain words such as Covenant
It sounds like this is authentic because this is *exactly* how they go about referring to something very specific without actually using its name. Everybody who plays Halo or Halo II and hears the speaker use the word "Covenant" knows that they are being called out, but nobody can say "aw, they've made a rule against playing Halo", but for all intents and purposes they have.
They should ban movies, and books too. *rolls eyes*
War games I feel have their place as war is just a part of life in this world we live in.
isn't gang violence a part of life too?
when i was at bethel PS2 had just come out so there was no GTA or Halo yet. i had a dreamcast and my buddies would all come over and play soul calibur and House of the Dead 2 (sweeeet...). if this email is legit, it just goes to show how far behind the times the society still is.
for the record, violent video games are no worse and no better than violent movies (they're usually based at least loosely on movies. GTA/godfather, scarface, etc.). considering the JW's stance towards movies i'd be surprised if they didn't ban video games. at least be consistent.
They should ban movies, and books too.
Being the devout, extremist, perfectionistic, bent to the right type of mentallity that I held while in the organisation, as well as the organisation's tendency to instill absolute purity in there adhereants, it would not surprise me that this is their official position on this matter.I don't even know how it is possible to effectively serve the interest of the organisation without totally coming to be a non person. TV, movies, books, music, social gatherings, amusement parks, trips, vacations and the like, they would all come under heavy scrutiny. There is no time available to pursue anything other than the interest of the WTBTS.
I agree. Unless they make a video game where you are an angel that has to kill 185,000 soldiers in one night, these games go against Bible principles of peace and neutrality. These games desensitize people to violence. If unchecked, these Bethelites may soon be compelled to seek out greater thrills by going out and murdering innocent New Yorkers. Better to wait on Jehovah to do it and 99% of the rest of the world's population in the battle of Armageddon.
Maybe they should focus on non violent games, like the Sims 2. Of course your Sims can engage in public WhooHoo in the hot tub... but they don't kill each other.
Tammy (currently playing The Sith Lords)