What Is A Jehovah's Witness' Weakest Link?

by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • ithinkisee
    My favorite fact that JWs don't realize (and this is a CURRENT belief): unless you are "annointed remnant" you do *NOT* have a relationship with Jesus. DOES THAT MEAN THAT R&F JWs ARE NOT CHRISTIANS????? ;-) http://quotes.watchtower.ca/mediator.htm

    I read your quotes on this subject, and I imagine if I brought this up to a well-versed elder they would say that none of these quotes specifically mention a "relationship", only being a mediator. This elder would then probably say that all of us can have a relationship with Jesus.

    I'm not arguing with you because in actuality I agree with you completely, quotes. But, I am just saying that's what they would probably say to me.

    How would you answer that?


  • HadEnuf

    Brain Dead Elders.

    Cathy L.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan


  • minimus

    "History" is irrelevant. "New light" takes its place.

  • JH

    I was the weakest link, and then they told me good bye, you go away with nothing...

  • cyberguy

    I believe that their 1914 teaching is the greatest "weakest link." Break that, and the whole "tower" falls!

  • trevor

    Doubt is the enemy. Doubt is equated with a lack of faith. Any attempt to think through an apparent contradiction or consider even firm evidence against the Society?s integrity, shows a lack of faith. To lack faith in the Society is to lack faith in God. In the mind of a Witness the Society is a physical, tangible reflection of God himself. Witnesses are repeatedly told that their perception of the Society is their perception of God. Naturally members live in fear of being out of step with the Society, which equals being out of step with God.

    Anyone or anything that may put doubt in the mind of a member is to be avoided. Seasoned members will not read, listen to, or even think a word against the Society. This state of mind even prevents members from reading their Society?s own literature from previous years. They will deny the Society has made certain statements, if they contradict the latest teachings. If such evidence is found in a Watchtower only a few years old, a loyal member will walk away from someone attempting to present it, rather than read something in their own Society?s literature that may cause them to have doubts.

  • DanTheMan
    Dan, I think JWs do believe that Armageddon's gonna kill everyone but JWS.

    It's all in the word choice. If you ask a JW if they believe that Jerhover is going to "destroy the evildoers" at Armageddon, you will get an unconflicted "yes" for an answer. If you ask them if God is going to kill everybody except JW's at Armageddon, I think that this is where many, if not most, become very uncomfortable with their beliefs and start making excuses and lying (even to themselves) about what they know is the generally held, if not explicitly stated, belief.

  • minimus

    I believe JWs are conditioned to use "theocratic strategy", that's all. They know it sounds bad but they bdon't wanna alienate a prospect and look too self-righteous, imo.

  • Golf

    Time! Time to be exposed.


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