Ok this friend of mine (hahahah) got a ticket in San Antonio. He was guilty as sin, 79 in a 65 and passed a plain jane cop car, the three lane changes (no signal) did'nt help. This 'guy' now has ten tickets in three states, he always says he will fight one. SO does anyone have advice on how to BEAT a ticket, not avoid one. I know how not to get one but I just enjoy meeting new people!!!!!!!!!! lol Any help would be great, I will also accept sarcasim, humor,and criticism! thx zman (and my friend thx you too)
Anyone ever beat a speeding ticket (not that I would have one)
by zman 37 Replies latest jw friends
i got a ticket in Louisiana and i beat it by hiring a lawyer, he charged the same as the cost of the ticket but it kept it off my record, i didnt even have to go to court, i lived like 5 hrs away.
if its not too far just go to the court date, if the cop doesnt show, you automatically get off and even if he does the judge might reduce the charge to something that has less impact on your insurance premiums. it doesnt hurt to try.
I got a speeding ticket in Georgia. I was not speeding. I lived in a small town and didn't want that officer on my back, so I asked a lawyer about it. In Georgia, you can plead no lo contendre or no contest the first two times you get a speeding ticket. You cannot plead it ever if you fail to plead it the first time though. I paid less of a fine and the ticket did not count on my driver's license. I am not sure though if you can do this for going over 15 miles over the speed limit.
79 in a 65? That's an easy one. Most times in larger cities, plead not guilty(plead not guilty anyways) and then wait for your actual court date. Then on the day you need to show up, pray that the police officer does not show(automatic dismissal for a no show). You can usually tell if he is there or not - he would be sitting up in front with a DA or calling people from the court room to speak with him outside. Typically, he will speak with you before you ever say boo to the judge. If this happens, and the ticket is so menial like the one you describe, he will drop the charge to something stupid like faulty equipment which carries no points and is just a fine. If he doesn't do this, keep pressing him on letting you get off without any points since that is the biggie. The state/city wants the money. A fine is just what they are looking for. They could care less about what your insurance company will charge you for having points on your record.
My baby blues have always gotten me out of it. I confess.
State troopers, though, are pretty strict. Geez Louise, I got nailed doing 66 in a double nickel, you woulda thought I had murdered someone! No fine, though, due to tank top, so I was lucky (hehehe, power of the *****). Can't they demand payment on the spot if you're out-of-state?
I HAVE BABY BLUES WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its a cruel world!!!!!!!!!!!! lol cop must have been straight!!!!
I HAVE BABY BLUES WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its a cruel world!!!!!!!!!!!! lol cop must have been straight!!!!
But do you have cleavage? I don't mean blue jean cleavage.
But do you have cleavage?
Like I said, Power of the *****!
LOL............................................no. point made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol