Is Jesus God? Front page of April 222nd Awake magazine. I will post more when I have read all the magazine - but should be good for all you lovely trinitarians out there - and I hate trinitarian threads although I always post to them - and now I am starting one - God help me!
AWAKE - April 22nd
by stillajwexelder 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yah! My honey was waving that one in front of my face last night. Kind of a "na na nana na" moment. "See worldlydear? Jesus is NOT God. I have proof. Jesus gets a feature article in Awake!" What defence do I have against logic like that?
Big Dog
Stilla, I get tired of the trinity vs. non-trinity discussions sometimes myself, but I asked a question on another trinity thread (which no one addressed) that has always bothered me, especially when I was a kid at the kingdom hall, I'll ask it again and maybe you can help me out with it before the debate rages and it gets lost. As I have stated before I'm not sure about the nature of God but here's my question: Why is there no problem with accepting that the Holy Spirit is part of God, yet seems to be spoken of distinctly, seems to have its own emotions and personality yet if I remember from my dub upbringing is NOT and angel or other spirit creature, it is part of God, yet, sort of separate. I mean, if we can swallow that, then why is it so hard to possibly see Jesus in the same way?
This should be a fun one.
I am starting to look at articles like this as opportunities as an excuse to do some research on the "pseudo-research" done by the society.
Thanks for the heads-up.
"See worldlydear? Jesus is NOT God. I have proof. Jesus gets a feature article in Awake!" What defence do I have against logic like that?
Since they released the Trinity brochure, they have been avoiding ample discussion of the subject. This is the first time in many years that the Jesus/God debate is featured in a WT or Awake cover.
It does not start out well. I am betting Scholar would get a kick out of this:
From Awake, April 22nd 2005, page 3, "Who is Jesus Christ?", para 1.
"According to reliable history, a man named Jesus was born over 2,000 years ago....(Matthew 2:1: Luke 2:1-7). Roman historians of the first two centuries generally avoided mentioning Jesus, since Roman rulers at that time were trying to suppress Christianity"
Already they have established in the reader's mind that the bible is more reliable than contemporary accounts. Scholar should be proud.
Big Dog
Come on, someone help me out here (see my question above), it is something that has been bugging me for a long time.
Why is there no problem with accepting that the Holy Spirit is part of God
Yes it can be argued that it is Gods active force ensuing out of him and therfore part of him - and since it was used to impregnate Mary then Jesus is also part of God - but that Jesus IS God or the Holy Sprit IS God is stretching things too far
Big Dog
Stilla, thank you, and I mean that sincerely. But if the Holy Spirit is part of God, I mean, is it Him or not, if its not, then... Seems kind of counter intuitive to say yes it is a part of God, but not him.
But if the Holy Spirit is part of God, I mean, is it Him or not, if its not, then... Seems kind of counter intuitive to say yes it is a part of God, but not him.
Or it is all part of a big story in the bible and there was no Jesus therefore the trinity is irrelvant anyway