The JWs do not place an amount or percentage on their followers.
Actually, we had a talk one time in Willits where the Brother "G" broke up the amount of the hall payment, the utilities and expences that we were expected to pay for the CO, and the 'value' of the literature being consumed, and decided that if each person in attendance contributed exactly $15.00 per month, everything would be covered. The sheparding calls soon began when people were not covering their attendance number by said 15 buckaroos. Big families were pissed.
Thing is, the old hall was fine and much more in line with what the area could afford. For one, it was paid for and just needed some cosmetic work (it had actually been a saw mill originally, lol). The new hall there was the wetdream of Brother "G" who was irritated because the Mormon's had just built a really nice assembly hall on the south side of town, and he was trying to keep up with the Joneses. Few people in the area at the time made more than 20K a year, and the idea was fought tooth and nail.
He finally won and got the Society to bank roll the new hall. Right after that, the area was so depressed with work, and so many people were fed up with the Willits elder body beating them over the head, that several families either moved out of the area to find work, or began attending either the Redwood Valley Congregation or the Ukiah Congregation to get away from them.
Those of us who stayed ended up with a huge burden in paying for the new hall, landscaping and parking lot. Talk about not living within your means. I remember Brother "G" saying in a TM meeting that we were all going to pay up, and that he was not going to allow us to be the first congregation in Ca to default on our hall payment...
Nice little socialistic gvt. he was trying to set up!