Roast weevils in a 250 deg. oven for 2 hours, then drizzle with melted chocolate .... crunchy heaven!
Weevels in my food storage
by Qcmbr 15 Replies latest jw friends
Food storage is one of the LDS 'commandments'(quotes because its not a commandment in the normal sense - more a strong recommendation from above - like thou shalt brush thy teeth) We are counselled to have 1 year of food and 2 weeks of water for everyone in the house. On top of that we ar eto have everything necessary for limited survival in emergencies (like a 72 hour pack.) Its not for the end of the world as far as we know but if the end arrives it'll be pretty darn handy.
Oh I see. So what is this recommendation primarily based on? I mean they don't generally make a point of issuing official 'strong recommendations' on things like brushing your teeth or carrying road flares in your trunk, do they?
Before using this url I want to make clear that I am not preaching here - I save that for Sunday's at my church!! This link is in response to why the LDS store food storage - the short answer is that its been recommended for about 50 years by the men we consider prophets - this is the latest official pronouncement.,11666,3725-1-2002-1,00.html
what are they?