Do you find that you need to shave everday?

by toreador 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Shave what?

  • Berean

    Shave what?

  • blondie

    Actually, Berean, until 1968 the WTS depicted Jesus without facial hair but had to finally admit that he had a beard according to the Bible and Jewish custom at that time. It was difficult for them to admit that in the middle of the "hippie" years.

    Length of hair, cannot touch ears or collar

    Length of sideburns (I saw a brother measure them once on another brother vying to be an MS)

    Mustache only for blacks and Hispanics

    Men cannot perm or dye hair

    Men can wear ugly toupees

    Men can wear ugly comb-overs

    Men cannot shave their heads bald unless they are a black brother

    Men cannot spike their hair (unless they are the POs son)

    Love, Blondie

  • jeanniebeanz

    Shave what?


  • bikerchic

    LOL @ blondies list! Boy I sure remember those days the 60's and 70's!

    Seems there is a rule to everything especially to keep you from looking like the rest of the "world". We sure wouldn't want to fit in with society now would we........barf!

    Oh and toreador:

    Just trying to be like Minimus a little. ;) How am I doing?
    You get an A for effort and an W for
  • Berean

    "the WTS depicted Jesus without facial hair but had to finally admit that he had a beard according to the Bible and Jewish custom at that time. It was difficult for them to admit that in the middle of the "hippie" years." THEY JUST HATE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS!

    Length of sideburns (I saw a brother measure them once on another brother vying to be an MS) I cut my sideburns even with the top of where my ears attach to my gourd - then it became a fad when I was going to meetings, I was counseled for following the current fads. DAMNIT! I was ahead of my time! I was a fad leader - not a follower, get it straight.

    Mustache only for blacks and Hispanics. When I was an elder, a CO said I should not have a moustache (not one of the two mentioned), I told him to shave it off himself if he didn't like it - I got into his personal space as I said it, almost belly to belly. I don't think he like me too much, I never did figure out why.

    Men cannot spike their hair (unless they are the POs son). I'm of a older age, just say I'm an AARP member but not near retirement, and I have a spike, people think it looks good. The righteous JDubs stare at it when they briefly talk to me in the store. I'm thinking about an ear-ring just to finish them off.

    Berean (smart-ass class)

  • Shania

    Shaved or unshaved that is the question? I like a smooth shave on me if you know what mean ladiesNow on my hubby that is a different story I like a day or two of wiskers it feel real real good in certain places, ohh I 'm getting tinggle all over-------------where is my man ??????????????

  • Sunnygal41

    funny you posted this topic. I was going to post one last week for the ladies..........I worked with a coworker, a female........who shaved EVERY DAY. Talking legs, pits, etc........I used to think that a bit obsessive-compulsive.......what do you ladies think?


  • whyamihere

    Being Waxed is much better!


  • Jesika

    Yes...............but if I get too drunk the nite before..........then no lol.


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