To all of my very dear friends on JWD, I want to thank all of you so very much for your thoughts prayers and good vibrations of harmony.
I am so happy that everything went well. There were some touch and go moments in the operating room which lead me to Intensive Care. But true to form and a will to live I made it. I know it was because of all your love. Even my Aunt Mary had prayers said for me in our Church. Yes indeed God does here prayers.
The doctors were blown away by my shear determination to get up on my feet and force myself into a quicker recovery.
The nurses where flabbergased by my abilaty to turn in bed with minimal effort. I really prayered to God for strength so I could get home to my husband Marco for whom I have a deep devotion. I didn't want him to suffer from my absensce at home.
The PT and OT's were so helpful and patient with me. It was sometimes really hard for me and I cried too. I never knew this before but the nurses told me that it is not uncommon for a person to be emotional about things from the past when our bodies go through a physical tramua. I learned alot about my inner strenghts and thanked God for helping me.
My mother as you all know is a JW and she called my husband seven times to ask about me. So she is not tough as nails as I thought. Maybe she is missing me and having second thoughts. She sent a gift to the hospital with my Aunt who told my mom that she should bring it to me. But my mother said no. Oh well there is always a ray of hope.
Well now that I have told you all about my surgery I will be doing some resting and convelesing with therapy at home. I am not sure when I will get up more strenght to post but know that my thoughts are with all of you. And thanks to all of you who sent my get well cards.
All my deepest love
hugs and kisses to all.