I just read an excellent article on the issue of mental illness and Jehovah's Witnesses by psychologist named Jerry Bergman. The link is:
He presents the results of eight academic studies which show that mental illness is many times higher among Witnesses than in the general population. The results are stunning. One representative example is summarized in the following quote:
Licensed therapist Montague monitored the admissions to state and private mental hospitals, and local mental health clinics in Ohio from 1972 to 1986.[21] From this data (n=102) he estimated that "The mental illness rate of JW's is approximately 10 to 16 times higher than the rate for the general, nonWitness population [and that]...about 10% of the publishers (full members) in the average congregation are in serious need of professional help...[although they are often] able to hide this fact quite well, especially from outsiders."
Additionally, there is reason to believe that even these numbers are low. The reasons are as follows:
- Witnesses have historically been strongly discouraged from seeking psychological help, so only a subset actually see professionals.
- Witnesses often do not seek treatment because of shame stemming from the fact that the Watchtower Society teaches that doing God's will makes one happy, and therefore if one is not happy, one is lacking in spirituality/devotion.
- Of those that do seek treatment, many hide the fact that they are Witnesses, for fear of bringing reproach upon the organization.
- Many people who are raised as Witnesses but leave remain in a largely-JW belief system. Such ones are usually not included in the Witness mental illness statistics.
I found the article to be well-written and insightful. Just thought I'd share it.