I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I'm an inactive, spiritually weak Witness of not so good standing who stumbled on here the other day while trying to find out what tomorrows big announcement was going to be, after being told my mother that I might wanna go to the hall on Sunday to find out. It's cool seeing so many people who have shared some of the same experiences I have in the past. I'm looking forward to hanging out here more often. Peace!
MY PEOPLE!!!!!!!
by JohnnyMarr 29 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome to you too JohnnyMarr :)
Great to have you.
We know what the big announcement is:
The release of an updated version of the Organized to Accomplish your Ministry book.
Just what you wanted, right?
Welcome - but it is only a new OM book
[quote]We know what the big announcement is: The release of an updated version of the Organized to Accomplish your Ministry book. Just what you wanted, right? Welcome. Blondie[/quote] Yep ..... I caught your answer in a previous thread. New emphasis will be put on submission to authority instead of looking forward to a new system. I think I'll sleep in and catch the memorial on Thursday .... LOL.
Don't even bother going to the JW memorial. Remeber Christ's words: "Take this and eat, this is my body which will be given up for you."
Wake everyone up and partake this year, Johnny.
We have a partaker pool going on what the number will be for this year.
^^^^^ The memorial is the one time a year that I attend a meeting. I mainly do it out of respect for the parents. My old man is one of those elders who sees through the B/S in the organization but chooses to remain active in it. He understands why I don't go anymore but at the same time it kinda makes him feel good to see that I'm not a complete heathen, so to speak .... LOL.
How many partook last year?
Well, can't embarrass a nice, old man, then.
It will be 30 minutes telling everyone they can't partake.
It's like going to a party and being told you can't eat or drink anything.
This will be the third year of not going...not that I don't observe...but still in keeping with the Bible account.
I can remember JWs that only came once a year. I am an old-timer and would be one of the few who knew who they were.
How many meetings can you miss each year before you will die at Armageddon?
Love, Blondie