? about a part of Ray Franz' Book

by GodRules 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • GodRules

    I read part of Ray Franz' book and in there he tells of a proposal that Schroeder and two other members of GB. It had something to do with the coming of christ in 1957, I think. Does anyone have information on what exactly it was that they proposed and what scriptures they gave for that proposal?

    I don't own a copy of the book, I found that portion in a another site.

  • WhyNow2000

    Sure, would be more than glad to. Just drop me:

    Your name
    your address
    your congregation

    It will arrive in a brown box. No one will know, except the loving elders.

  • peterstride

    Without opening the book, I remember that it had something to do with the launch of the Russian sattelite "Sputnik". Apparently, it was such an event, that some people in bethel thought that's what the bible meant about sings in heaven. After a brief consideration, the WTS stayed with the status quo.

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • peterstride

    Sign...not sing.

  • metatron

    You are referring to pg. 218 of "Crisis of Conscience".
    The subject was the "generation of 1914". The Governing
    Body was very worried about their teaching about the
    generation being proved false, since the generation had
    largely died out without the End coming. Three GB members
    suggested (Schroeder, Klein And Suiter) that the phrase
    "this generation" should apply to the period after 1957
    because that's when the Russians launched Sputnik into
    orbit, starting the Space Age. (Matt. 24:29-44 was quoted in
    the document they drew up).

    They thought the celestial phenomena in Matt 24 had some
    fufillment with satellites and missiles being launched.
    --a really dumb idea since a parallel comparison with Luke
    makes clear Jesus had in mind the "sun, moon, and stars"
    causing disaster.

    Get the book, you'll never be the same
    I knew Ray and was always impressed with his solid powers
    of reason.


  • Farkel


    There is also a scan in the book of the original agenda outlining that subject for one of the GB meetings back then. Ray's book is chock-full of scans of original documents from the society. He backs up what he says and the society has never tried to refute anything he has said. They don't dare. It will open up a huge can of worms for them. They just hope that information will just go away and people will forget. It won't.


  • TweetieBird

    Good point Farkel. After I read the book, I thought to myself, if this is a bunch of bunk, then the Society would have slapped a lawsuit on Ray quicker than flies gather on doo-doo. However, the only thing they could do was just try to discredit his character and passing the word along (not in print, but verbally) that this man was the epitome of apostasy and should be avoided like the plague.

  • Fredhall

    Hey All,

    Maybe the sign of the heavens happened after Mir space station went down. LOL..!!

  • hippikon

    Keep thinking Fred - that was good!

  • ozziepost

    I can't believe Sir Fred said that! No, he didn't did he? I must've been dreaming. How could Sir Fred be......T H I N K I N G ? !!!


    "You can know the law by heart, without knowing the heart of it"
    Philip Yancey, What's So Amazing About Grace?

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