"Organized to do Jehovah's Will" - anybody get the book yet?

by ithinkisee 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • purplesofa

    I'm curious about this.


  • IP_SEC
    becoming part of a secular organization that has objectives contrary to the Bible and, hence, is under judgement by Jehovah God

    Whada you mean, The bible wants peace, the Un wants peace, hey we all want peace. The uns objectives arent contrary to the bible.

    HHhahah *IPSec Ministries begins applying for NGO status*

  • toreador

    I thought the new scoop on Dfing was that they now just say they are NO longer a jw instead. someone please clarify.

  • IP_SEC
    I thought the new scoop on Dfing in the new book was that they now just say they are NO longer a jw instead. someone please clarify. Have they in fact changed it?

    Its a non change except for the actual announcement.

    OD 154-155

    "[Name of Person] is no longer one of Jehovah's witnesses. This will alert faithful members of the congregation to stop associating with the person"

    Its an addtion to the dub lexicon, No longer a witness= DF'd or DA'd. The book makes it plain that this status does not apply to inactive ppl.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    The minute I got back home I took the two old books and threw them in the trash! That felt sooooo good!!!

    Many JWs keep a big library with old and new books, I mean BIG library of JW literature. Not me! I keep a 10-15 year rolling schedule. Soon I'll be throwing away any WT volume older than 15 years.


  • toreador

    Thank you IP Sec for clarifying that. Does anyone have the page number , or is the page number 154 and 155) . I want to be able to show some relatives the scoop. Does anyone have an actual scan of the pages in question?



    I thought the new scoop on Dfing in the new book was that they now just say they are NO longer a jw instead. someone please clarify. Have they in fact changed it?

    Its a non change except for the actual announcement.

    OD 154-155

    "[Name of Person] is no longer one of Jehovah's witnesses. This will alert faithful members of the congregation to stop associating with the person"

    Its an addtion to the dub lexicon, No longer a witness= DF'd or DA'd. The book makes it plain that this status does not apply to inactive ppl.

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