Todays talk.

by loosie 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bavman

    I always felt if you allowed "sister's" to sit on like say, "Judicial Committees" and allowed sister's to "be there" for "the flock" to go to for "help" you would have a MUCH more balanced and beneficial result. Of course, what the hell am I thinking anyway, Brooklyn has the final result on these things so it really doesn't hardly matter who is on the JC or in the position of Elder/Counselor.


  • Flash
    ... if the new system came tomorrow, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the WTS to appoint women to responsibile positions of leadership.

    Fortunately, it wont be up to them! There are already women of the anointed. What was started in heaven, I have no doubt will be extended to the earth

  • tijkmo

    no flash there are no women in heaven...rev 8:1


    And when he opened the seventh seal, a silence occurred in heaven for about a half hour

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