I found it interesting that 4 years ago, they had the "Keep On The Watch" brochure. And this year's theme for the DC is "Keep On The Watch". Repetition is a key technique to mind control.
What's the definition of 'imminent' again?
Cults are all about control, power, and money. The WTS is losing all of this thanks to people speaking out about the real truth. The organization is losing membership. And they will continue to lose them. There is quite a large number of older members that will die off soon. Those who are older (like my father) can no longer function as a 'witness'. And younger members are seeing the issues. When they do their research on the Internet, they see they've been lied to. And they see the extent and vastness of the lies and the negative results.
Unless this organization changes ("Innovate or Die") their numbers will continue to decline. Will the WTS be able to survive? Who knows... but if Christian populations continue to decline and Islamic populations continue to increase, you just have to do the math to know it doesn't sound good for any Christian religion.