Isn't it strange?

by ozziepost 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost


    Haven't you noticed that the WTS is prone to contradictions.

    Can you think of any?

  • ozziepost

    Oh, all right, I'll start!!

    Ever noticed that the WTS claims to be run by imperfect men but it acts as "Jehovah's mouthpiece"?

    I often wonder, is it that they don't hear Jehovah too well or is it that they think that Jehovah sometimes gets it wrong.

    Oh well, just wondering.

    What do you think?

  • Golf

    Ozzzie, its 'adjustments' not change. Change resembles contradiction.


  • ozziepost

    Ohhhhhhh, I see! ...................I think

  • ozziepost

    What about this:

    Somehow they manage to stick with 1914, state categorically that "noone knows the day nor the hour" and that the composite sign can be fulfilled in any age.....yet they have the R&F still going around saying that the time is short!!!!! Huh??

  • Fe2O3Girl

    People who are drawn in to joining the JWs have "the right heart condition", but as soon as you are a baptized JW, your "heart is treacherous" and not to be trusted.

  • ozziepost

    Getting some 'further education' is worldly, yet the Society can't do without those who have!!

  • Golf

    Yeah, that 1914 date is hard to change. Other dates no problem. I like the 1925 one, the resurrecting of the old-timers and being house at Beth-Sarim, is that the place?


  • iiz2cool

    They claim they are Gods only channel. They claim the organization is "spirit directed". But they claim they're not inspired.


  • Satanus

    Claiming that they are no part of the world while still letting their members imbibe heartily at the worldly troughs:

    listening to rock and roll and other worldly music

    heavy alchahol use, especially by bethel boys

    watching competitive sports

    reading/watching the news laden w worldly propaganda

    allowing members to drive cars w logos on them. Logos are an idol type of spiritistic charm. Also, allowing the use of clothes, computers, etc, ad infinitum that have logos. Meanwhile, they rave about harmless fun things like christmas, whos pagan roots are practicallly forgotten, hence having no power.

    I'm not saying that any of these things are wrong, except for the media propaganda (but, it may be necesary in order to control the masses), and the logo thing. However, the wt doesn't really have a clue about 'worldly'. It has even less clues about what it's opposite is. It does not have a real alternative of substance to offer. In truth, the wt society is of the world; just another worldly cult that exploits susceptible people. 'Course, that's just my opinion.


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