You would think after one time of humiliation a person would run from the JW's and never ever step foot inside a KH but my co-worker is in her mid-40's and has been DF a total of 4 times since her baptism in 1979. I have talk to her over and over again but she said she is going to meet with the elders and asked to being reinstated. She is completed shunned by her JW mom and her uncle is a CO. I feel sorry for her because she feels so guilty all the time and fears being destroyed at Armaggeddon. She is totally wasting her life running and begging the elders for forgivness. At her last appeal for reinstatement the elders told her she should get married first before she tries to come back. She is a single woman that had many boyfriends that caused the numerous DFs. I told her to see a therapist to help her solve her guilt but she tells me I am demon-possessed. What should I do just let her hit rock bottom or be their for a shoulder to cry on. It is becoming very depressing being around her.
I know a girl that has been DF 4 times and the elders told her to get lost?
by booker-t 10 Replies latest jw friends
Doubtfully Yours
If the person has gotten disfellowshipped 4 times, shouldn't that be a sufficient sign that the JW religion is not working out for him/her?
Sounds like one of the many nutties inside the WTBTS.
marry her
I told her to see a therapist to help her solve her guilt but she tells me I am demon-possessed.
There's your answer, right there.
LOL! That is one solution.....I was just going to say, doesn't she see that it doesn't matter what she does, it won't be good enough? Humans are imperfect. If she gets married, I'll bet she gets DFed for cheating on her spouse. She obviously has a problem with saying no.
ROFL@ tijkmo1
You took the words right out of my keyboard.
She sounds like a mess. I would just let her do her thing and hope that one day she starts looking for some real answers. Hardcore cognitive dissonance.
Well being DF'ed 4 times there will be a 5th time!
You mention California but your story sounds like one near me (Tri-State area)The sister I know has been df'd several times and it was rumored she wanted to come back but was made to feel she wasn't ready. In your story you mention how she was told to come back with a marriage mate - which I suppose would make her less likely to be df'd again. Not to digress too much (and I am sorry if this offends anybody) but it has always been my opinion that many JW females would NOT be there at all if they didn't have a marriage mate. I think they would be disfellowshipped ever other year. They just would not and could not endure as a single woman!
I guess she never played baseball, 'three strikes and your out!' (pun) Does this female need a chastity belt or what?
Why aren't the Elders helping her out? Have they forgotten how many times you must forgive your brother & sister?
Some golfers get their tournament 'card' after trying 20 times! That's twenty years!