No siblings - many siblings

by pratt1 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • lonelysheep

    I have one brother (K) who's a year younger than me, 2 stepsisters and one stepbrother. Stepsibs came into my life when I was 18. I was brought up in a messed up home to say the least, and brother K thinks he's the shit on top of being the asshole he was raised to be. I don't talk to him but maybe once a year. I didn't see the toxic thread, but my brother K is toxic and I feel no need for him to be in my life.

    I'd always wanted 3 kids. But as my two children get older, I look forward to no more diapers! I guess because myself, and all of my cousins only had one other sibling, I never wanted to have like 5 or 6 kids, yet knew I didn't want to stop after one. After my son was born and they were putting me back together post c-section, I knew I was done and didn't want to be back on the operating table!

  • Gretchen956

    There were 7 in my family, but I helped raise the last four. My mom also had 6 miscarriages, she was always pregnant. I was always on my mom about having so many kids. She would say, "which one would you like to send back." Of course, being the smart ass I am I started a list.

    I figured I raised one family, plus I'm just not a baby person. I had one son, and I never wanted another. Now he, having had no brothers and sisters, instead of wanting a big family, wants no children at all. He's only 24, I know that could change, but I really believe him, its just not something he has ever wanted (wife and kids).

    So there you go, both ends of the spectrum.


  • coffee_black

    I am an only child. Very peaceful.... it didn't prepare me for having children of my own. I only had 2, but had no idea what commotion there is with more than 1 child. I never had to compete for my parent's attention. If I did something wrong, there was no one else I could try to blame. I could never get away with anything!


  • cruzanheart

    I'm an only child. It was lonely at times and as I got older and my parents got older I thought wistfully how nice it would be to have a sibling to share things with. And then harder and harder decisions were made, and my dad died, and, as my dear husband and I were cleaning out his apartment he said something wise: "You know, it's a good thing you're an only child because otherwise you'd have to check with a brother or sister before you threw anything out." He said that as we were shoveling totally useless stuff into trash bags. And I thought, yep, he's right -- there ARE advantages to being an only child!

    We chose to have two children. Hopefully (as they so far in their lives have gotten along really well together) they will be a support for one another. It was a little difficult at first, having two children. I kept having to ask Chris to explain this "share" thing to me . . . .


  • Aude_Sapere

    I am the oldest of 5 but we are spaced out. I'm 45 and the youngest is almost 24. We all have the same parents.

    I mostly enjoyed having siblings but it was (and still is) alot of work. The youngest lives with me (again). My brother (3 yrs younger than me) and I fought alot growing up and I became kind of bossy. (Ok very bossy.)

    Of the 5 of us, only one has children and he only has 2.

    Looking at the friends I most closely grew up with, one has 2 children, another had a teen pregnancy 30 years ago, and two have no children.

    In my family, I think it was the poor family dynamics combined with rigid christian values and a conscience that was fearful of bringing more children into a system soon-to-end encouraged me not to be too anxious to have children.

    If I could, I would life my life differently. But since I can't, I am mostly happy with how I live my life now.


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