Shunning in the 60's

by Bryan 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    There had been a trend toward being lax regarding DF'd ones at the hall; that is partly why the WTS cracked down in 1981. Note this quote from a 1981 WT. Starting in 1981, the WTS became more rigid and unloving in this area (due to the apostate scare at Bethel as well).

    w81 9/15 pp. 29-30 If a Relative Is Disfellowshiped . . . ***

    Consequently, Christians related to such a disfellowshiped person living outside the home should strive to avoid needless association, even keeping business dealings to a minimum. The reasonableness of this course becomes apparent from reports of what has occurred where relatives have taken the mistaken view, ?Though he is disfellowshiped, we are related and so can treat him the same as before.? From one area comes this:

    "One person who was disfellowshiped was related to about one third of the congregation. All of his relations continued to associate with him."
    And a highly respected Christian elder writes:
    "In our area some disfellowshiped ones with large families have been met, as they enter the lobby of the Kingdom Hall, with a fanfare of backslapping and handshaking (even though the disfellowshiped one was known by them to be still living immorally). I feel a deep concern that those who have been disfellowshiped need to see that their course is hated by Jehovah and by his people and that they should feel a real need to become genuinely repentant. What will help these disfellowshiped ones to change when they are continually greeted by all in their large families who know of their practices?"


  • Bryan

    Wow, just got on line.

    Euphemism great find thank you for your effort. You too Blondie. Everyone here is so wonderful about displaying the good news of the Watchtower. They should be paying you!

    Many Thanks!


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Honesty
    Everyone here is so wonderful about displaying the good news of the Watchtower.

    That's what it is, Bryan. The good news of the WT because it is definitley nowhere close to the good news aboiut Christ. Apostate devils is what the WTBTS is.

  • garybuss

    Shunning was practiced here in Dakota and Minnesota through the 50's and 60's, no question. In the 70's the Witness people went from being stupid to mean.

  • HappyDad
    However, even after reinstatement, his position will never again be quite the same. He has broken a precious trust and cannot be given oversight in the congregation. Hence, he suffers the loss of servants? privileges on earth irrevocably.

    I have to laugh a laugh of disgust at this. In 1966 my cousin's wife was df'd along with the married "brother" who was banging her. My cousin left the religion and never came back. The two adulterers were reinstated about 2 years later to the fanfare of the cong. and most of all other JW's who knew them. These two went on to become the "wonderful" theocratic husband and wife who had their asses kissed by everyone (especially new ones who didn't know their background) and were the center of the social scene.

    This guy went on to become the PO of our cong. in the mid 1980's and from what I hear, still is the PO. He's the one I had some run-ins with and probably the main reason I stepped down in 1991. The policies of this religion suck!

    As for my cousin, he was never the same since. He lost a successful business and became a raging alchoholic who is now clean and sober in his later years.


  • Bryan
    Actually, the one who deliberately does not abide by the congregation?s decision puts himself in line to be disfellowshiped for continuing to associate with such one.

    I love this threat also! Sounds so mafioso.

    "Alright boys... the line starts right here!"


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Englishman

    DF'ing was rare indeed back then. Most people were put on probation. If they sinned the same way again during their probation period, they were automatically DF'd. If they sinned the same way again, after the probation was over, the original offence had no bearing on the later offence.

    I was once put on a secret probation. The complications of that were being asked by the unaware WT servant to open the meeting with prayer and you had to say "No"!...More on that later.


  • gumby

    Actually, as early as 1930, any who disagreed with the Watchtower as "the Lords channel" were considered the "Evil Slave" or man of be destroyed by god. However, it wasn't POLICY untill 1952.

    The March 1, 1952 Watchtower said, "Those who are acquainted with the situation in the congregation should never say `Hello' or `Goodby' to him. He is not welcome in our midst, we avoid him." (p. 141)

    Freddie was a heartless bastard.... unless you were a faithful dub as he was.


  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    Wow, you people are old.

    *runs away*

  • Robdar
    Wow, you people are old.

    And, if you are lucky, one day you will be old too!

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