I'm just feeling a little naughty today - I'm just kinda interested in your views.
Do you think the JWs are more extreme than the Mormons?
by Qcmbr 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They don't hurt people as much as the JW's but their belife's are just as whacked out. They don't let people die from cohersing them to not take a blood transfusion.
The only time I've seen a Mormon was in a parking lot and they were wearing name tags. Never seen a Mormon church either (sorry, temple).
I've never met a Mormon, either. Only a SDA, they are definitely not as strangle-hold as the WT.
Ive met a few Mormons and even been to their church.
One of the first lessons they will give you they will talk about Joseph Smith and ask you to receive him as youre prophet and to pray that the Holy Spirit leads you to that conclusion.
If you go to their church you will be put in a class for non mormons and be taught their beleifs. I once had a girl friend who told me about her former boy friend who was a mormon. She told me they have two priesthoods the Aronic and the moronic priesthood. She told me how proud her former boyfriend was that he was to be a moronic priest.
Mormon missionarys sometimes go to Churches of other denominations to try to get converts, while I havent experianced that, my Dad is an SDA elder and he told me they went to his church.
They dont seem to be as extreme as the JWs
Sorry but on the above post Im slightly wrong the Mormons have the Levitical priesthood and the Aronic priesthood. The bloke I was talking about called the Aronic priesthood the Moronic priesthood, and he was so proud of soon becoming a Moronic priest.
Mormons ..... J Dub
I say,
6 of one, and a half-dozen of the other!
I know some Mormons...
Their beliefs are as goofy or goofier than JWs. I look at Mormon beliefs and wonder how anyone can belief that mess. But then, most people look at JWs and wonder the same thing.
Where Mormons differ from JWs is that they don't disassociate themselves from the world. They join the military, they're in politics, they support charities, they're part of society. Where they're better than JWs is that they have programs to help their children and elderly, JWs have nothing.
The Mormons I know are good, decent people. Their kids are wonderful, bright, outgoing and well-adjusted. While they're active in their local congregation they aren't over the top and actually have questioned some of the policies of the church.
I have not been able to discuss their religion enough to find out what happens when one decides to leave however. There are ex-Mormon boards that get a lot of hits from people trying to exit the church. While they don't have a formal shunning policy, dissenters are treated as "weak" and "unspiritual". Some of the hardliners will shun dissenters based on their own personal feelings. Feelings inspired by the church, no doubt.
NOYESNOYESWait, I need to consult with the Faithful Discreet Slave before I answer
No...at least they've got their own college and don't discourage education.
Yes, I think JW's are more extreme than Mormons.
I think Mormons are more extreme than Baptists.
I don't know where to put Pentacostals, but they are a bit NU&*T_#S(!+#O