It goes like this, JH:
The leaders of the WTS have no idea how to have a genuinely spiritual relationship with their Lord. Why, they don't even know him!
Because of this, they've substituted a man-made organisation in God's place. They refer to their publishing and administrative organisation as "Jehovah's organisation" and the R&F generally have come to view "the Organisation" as being in God's place. Hence, they have a relationship, but not a spiritual one, with an organisation. They have to give their allegiance and loyalty to it. It resembles the way in which communistic regimes ruled by demanding allegiance, not to a philosophy, but to their "organisation".
Therefore, when someone stops going "to the meetings" the only interpretation open to a dub is to view that person as being "spiritually weak".
All of this is, of course, arrant nonsense. The reality is quite the opposite and so we have known of many who have stopped attending meetings because they have become, not spiritually weak, but spiritually strong. They have learned that spirituality is a personal thing, an individual thing, nothing to do with membership of a corporation.
The poor things!