Do the English have demonz?
My gawwd no! They all live in the USA. Asking a demonz to rest upon holy England just dont cut the cheese with them. It would be like asking the debil to drink holy water.
by Xena 57 Replies latest social current
Do the English have demonz?
My gawwd no! They all live in the USA. Asking a demonz to rest upon holy England just dont cut the cheese with them. It would be like asking the debil to drink holy water.
It would be like asking the debil to drink holy water.
LMAO Brummie! I read that and got the music in my head with these words:
"Debil with a blue dress, blue dress, blue dress, Debil with a blue dress on"
and now it won't go away!
I think the problem is that you appear to want to make a point about something but don't really have a clue what it is.
I believe I was making the same point you were in this thread
Basically touching on the reality of violence and hopefully helping to foster discussion on why these types of things happen and what we can possibly do to prevent them. And I don't know...maybe highlight the fact that every society has problems and we aren't all that different after all....we are the world, aren't we Simon?
Did you think I would be dumb and leap to defend the behaviour of who did the shooting, their right to shoot weapons or deny that i happened like you seem to want to do at any mention of anything America-related? for whether or not I think you are dumb...I'll just let that one go *cough* But I do wonder if you have me confused with someone else regarding the defense of America. I have lived in several countries and there is the possiblility of me moving to another sometime in the future so I'm not what most would consider a rabid nationalistic. I enjoy some of the perks that come with living here but I find other countries to have equally alluring prospects.
If you have a point to make, make it. If not, shut up.
Funny thing now..if someone had said something like this to you on the above mentioned thread you posted what are the odds of it being deleted and them being told they were off topic? Anyone wanna take a guess at that one???
Nice to see you still keeping abreast of things. Feel free to rape and pillage in my area anytime you are about.
hello you doin? Going to see the chicks for Easter?
Hey Roy,
Looking back over the thread, I see Xena has gone to great lengths to make her point. As a matter of fact, a few posts up, she addressed severl issues that were posted in reponse to her's. I'm still waiting for your reponse but all I'm seeing is quick, one-liners.
I was beginning to wonder if it was just me....apparently not.
lol @ xw and brummie
No ones put any scientific facts up on this thread to make a decent argument. For one, you can't compare crime rates in the US to England for numerous reasons. Such as, in England we class traffic offenses as crimes, so that would increase the number. There was also a jump in crimes in the mid 1990's when mobile phones became popular... all got sold with insurance and people found they could get the newest model if they reported it stolen. And let's get a bit more philosophical - crime is invertly proportional to wealth and rises with the widening of the gap between rich and poor. What does that say about both the US and England?Well there was a link to that one study ...which while certainly not conclusive did bring up some interesting points that it might be informative to do more research on. What prompted me initially was a curiousity as to how the gun law there were working regarding current gun crime so I just did a google on the BBC news to see if there had been any gun crime in the UK recently. There were two that popped up on the front page which made me realize that it wasn't as rare as I had thought it would be. Between that and the two stories regarding a knifing and a sword it impressed on me anyway that when someone is determined to commit a crime they will probably find a way. Granted it's more difficult when the most effective means is banned...but like illegal drugs, where there is a will there tends to be a way. Personally I feel that while there should be tighter gun control in the US the underlying causes of violence here and in other places should be addressed as well...those being social and economic. Anyway...getting off my soapbox...I'm off to bed. Have a nice evening.
Asking a demonz to rest upon holy England just dont cut the cheese with them. It would be like asking the debil to drink holy water.
So, your'e not really yoda, underneath that cat fur??
Personally I feel that while there should be tighter gun control in the US the underlying causes of violence here and in other places should be addressed as well...those being social and economic.
Dam good post and great summery.
One thing not directly mentioned in any of the threads that I have read is the fact that more boys today then ever before are growing up without a father or positive, male role model. Can you say "Lord of the Flies"?
However, as with most European countries, the chances of being murdered are less than 1/4th what they are the the USA
And it's prudent to point out here that the crime rate and murder rate varies vastly from city to city. Here's a case in point:
Grand Rapids Michigan, a city of just under 200,000 had 8 murders in 2002. That's 4 murders per 100,000 people. In Detroit, Michigan a city of around 1,000,000 there were 402 murders. That's around 40 per 100,000. It's about 160 miles from Grand Rapids to Detroit or about a 2 1/2 hour drive.
I agree with stricter gun control measures as well. One thing I would like to see is mandatory education and training in order to own one. If you want to purchase the gun, the normal background checks apply and you have to be certified by a professional. This could include firing range training and classroom training to include instruction on where to keep it, where not to keep it. I would even include videos of real scenes and interviews etc. Then you are certified and can take the gun with you. If you are purchasing an additional gun you have to provide proof of certification in order to purchase it. I would also make periodic renewal of certifcation to include updated training etc.
When my daughter obtained her driver's license,one of the things she had to do in order to qualify for the insurance she has, was to watch a video with me and our agent present and discuss it afterwards. The video was made up of interviews of teens who had been in severe accidents that resulted in the death(s) of others and happened due to sheer negligence or racing or just plain not knowing the capabilities of the vehicle. The video was pretty powerful as an adult and my heart went out to those teens -one of whom is in prison, as their lives will never be the same and they carry the guilt of what happened with them forever. To my daughter, the video might have been "ho hum, get me outta here" but I'm sure some of it was absorbed as was the discussion afterwards.
And Xena- you are right, if someone wants to kill, they will find a way.
I can't believe none of our Scottish buddies are taking me to task on my earlier provocative twist on british history
Hey Crumpet! Just lulling you into a false sense of security there.....remember there were no TV, pubs or internet back then, our ancestors were bored, and what better way to pass the time than to get rid of our tribal aggression on some easy meat Southern Softies!