WHY DO YOU LOVE BIG TEX???????????????????????????????????????????????? Why do think they call him "Big Tex?" I'm sorry to all I may have offended.......
Big Tex
by Billygoat 25 Replies latest jw friends
They call him Big Tex cuz he is a man tall in stature, looks good in a kilt, and he's one og the friendliest Texans I know. BTW, this is him in his formative years..
oooh! nice boots!
Big Tex....
A good guy who is way too hard on himself. Patient, kind and slow to anger. A good writer.
BigTex could grin a bear down!
Luv ya' Cowboy!
Have You Seen My Mother
Big Tex
Oh my
I arrest you all for the worst case of thread hijacking in the history of ever!
Thank you though. Don't deserve it, and y'all are being waaaaaaay too kind, but thank you.
Next round's on me!
Before the real Big Tex was Big Tex, he was Santa Claus - then the State Fair folks got ahold of him and he's been here ever since. He graces our annual State Fair of Texas with "Howdy folks" and other welcomes to everyone. A big treat when I was a little one was going to Dallas to watch the workers "put him together..."
Thanks for the memories!
I love you to Big Tex!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder when the last time they DFd a bunch of folks for idol worship?
You are the Great Shepherd!!! We love you!!