I've decided to disassociate myself tonight

by Dustin 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dustin

    The kingdom hall where I used to go has the Theocratic Ministry School and Service meetings on Tuesday. I have finally come to grips with my need to exit the Jehovah's Witnesses forever. I told my parents today that I'm leaving the JW religion behind forever. I told my dad because he isn't as emmotional as my mom. He took it well, and said that he knew this day was coming. He also promised not to shun me.

    I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. I'm glad to be leaving it behind, yet I see the foundation of my youth going to the wayside. I guess that now I really am officially turning the chapter in my life. I have the letter written already, it is short and to the point. I am going to go and hand it in and leave. I don't feel like wasting a stamp. And I just feel a need to go in and leave one last time.

    It just seems so strange. I always dreamed of living forever on a paradise, now I realize that was all a false hope. I've been out for two years now, but for some reason tonight just feels different. I know what I have to do. I just need closure. I hope this brings me the emmotional peace and contentment that I have been looking for.


  • GetBusyLiving

    Dustin: I was seriously in the EXACT same postion 6 months ago. I know, its wierd. But the closure is good. Thumbs up to you for having the guts to do it.


  • TheListener

    Good luck Dustin. I'll be thinking about you.

  • Valis

    Good luck Dustin. I will probably be quite empowering when you hand it to Brother Who and walk out.


    District Overbeer

  • MelbaToast

    Dustin, you are now turning the page into real adulthood, where you see the needs of yourself surpassing those of pleasing your parents. I applaud you because you have enough gumption to set matters straight, and you're being honest with your parents to boot.

    Way to go, man. You have a long road ahead, but Im sure you'll come out great.

    Peace be with you.

  • DanTheMan

    Good on ya mate. No use sitting the fence. Let those turkeys know that you are no longer one of their duped slaves. I hope this action does bring you the peace and closure you're looking for.

    But, I'm sure that others will present different opinions on DA'ing, so weigh them carefully.

  • fairy

    Decisions like that must be hard.

    I just simply faded my way out, and that was hard enough to deal with. At the time it was due to more personal reasons and not because i didnt believe. But after a while, you start seeing grey areas, it isnt all black and white.

    Hope it works out well for you.

  • whyamihere


    Just know I will be thinking about you! I worry about you. jJst know I will always be here for you and your wife.

    If this is what you want I will stand behind you!


  • jaffacake


    Its great that your dad won't shun you. Take care.

  • purplesofa

    I wish I was there to hug you


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