OMFG I forgot about this...

by Mastodon 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • DevonMcBride
    she puts a tie on the rabbitt and takes him door to door and to the bible studies

    I would love to see a picture of this. Imagine what the householders must think of her when she knocks on their door.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Ya know, it just might be the icebreaker at the door to get a foot inside.

    I don't think your mom is nutz at all, but vewy vewy smaart!

    ROFLMFAO! It is soooo funny! Gawd, I can see it now... a little grayhaired lady carrying her well-dressed little bunny with her in field service! His name wasn't Harvey was it?

    (Mastadon, I'm sorry if your mum is loosing it. At least I hope she'll be ok.)

    (((( Hugs ))))


  • Aude_Sapere

    That is just too funny.

    Best laugh I've had all week!!

    Thanks for sharing that. Please send more funnies.


  • Elsewhere
    My mum has a pet dwarf rabbitt...she puts a tie on the rabbitt and takes him door to door and to the bible studies....

    *** Forest Gump Voice***

    That's all I got to say about that.

  • Brummie

    So Well anyway, I think the rabbit *should* be made to wear a tie, is this a problem?

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Many, many JWs are quite quirky that way, Mastodon.


  • Crumpet

    Mastodon - I love your avatar - I have watched that film twice recently!

  • Mastodon

    Thanx Crumpy, can't wait until the second one comes out this year...AND I ASSURE ALL OF YOU, THE RABBIT STORY IS COMPLETLY TRUE....I MAY BE ABLE TO GET A HOLD OF SOME PICTURES....WHEN I DO I'LL POST THEM HERE.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I hope she plans on taking the bunny to the Memorial tomorrow.

    It may be a good idea for her to hand out marshmallow crucifixes to the kiddies.

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