In another thread Big Tex related a story about the memorial wine that was so ironic that I thought maybe others saw profound irony in some of their experiences. For example I recall a brother who gave up a military pension 2 years before retirement in order to Pioneer for Jehovah.. He would deride another brother for working long hours at his business ( auto repair business) and who spent virtually no time in field service. Years passed, the Pioneer brother became needy and had to stop Pioneering in order to work while the other brother had saved enough to retire and Pioneer. The first brother was looked down on because he stopped Pioneering and was needy. The second brother was lauded and had many "priviledges right up until I left the Congregation and lost contact. Surely God's ways are unsearchable.
What Profound ironies do you know about?
by Siddhashunyata 17 Replies latest jw friends
The boys & girls who I grew up with wouldn`t hang out with me. They were partying (the normal 70s teenage stuff, sex, drinking, soft drugs), leading double lives, etc., and I was a perfectamundo goody-two-shoes JW.
I left the lie at age 18, and am now a full-fledged Apostate (actually, my friends call me `The Antichrist` mwaaahahahaha).
They are now faithful, `good` JWs.
t /
talesin, you have been rewarded they are being punished, Surely God's ways are unsearchable.
talesin: i have almost the same exact experience. i wasnt the perfect dub growing up but never did anything wrong, just kind of went with the flow, but there was a kid who was the classic elder's son with a double life, they sent him away it got so bad, well i here he is an elder now and gave a talk at my old hall as a visiting elder, unbelievable! no one calls me the antichrist that i know of, although i'm sure there are plenty of rumors
Hanover Fist
He should have waited and then got his money from the government first then, right?
Then he could have pioneered for Jehovah's good organization.
hannover, god doesnt need an organization, neither does he need pioneers. if he'd want to communicate with us, he would have better means.
Yes, that's what I was thinking ..
Hey, are you an old poster with a name change ... the language looks familiar?
Yes, it is ironic, isn't it?
(I can't get that song out of my head now "a death row pardon, came a little too late"
check out.....t.i.j.k.m.o. explained .....nows there's irony for ya
just been reaffirmed of another.....was just reading the new org book on dealing with judicial cases...i did everything i was supposed to do and by that i mean not acting but genuinely...and the commitee did not do one thing that was remotely even organizational far less scriptural....and they ruined my life and they all still serving as elders.....btw another elder in my cong spoke out at the unfair treatment that i was they removed him for causing much bigger an admision can there be for knowing that they were wrong than to damage the credibility of the one person who posed a threat...tijkmo
talesin, no I have always posted under this name. I try to be as clear as possible but, when I post sometimes the ideas so refined or simplified that the sentence structure gets complex and perhaps too potent. Maybe some others also have that problem (style?).
Here's another ironic experience, I once moved into an all black congregation and was welcomed with open arms by all. The members were excited and happy when my white bible studies started coming to the hall. Word got back to the all white Congregation and they tried to pin a "troublemaker" rap on me but some white believers knew I was sincere especially since I only lived two blocks from the black congregation and the white congregation was 25 miles away. I had no car. I was loved by the blacks and hated by many of the whites. Push came to shove and the Circuit Overseer demanded that the black hall be sold and and the white hall be made bigger to accommodate the black brothers and sisters. This was done and we all lived happily ever after. Wrong! All the stuff you would expect to be there was there. In the end I was not only hated by many of the white brethern but a new species of black had been created and I was hated by them as well. Surely God's ways are unsearchable. (Please insert" African American" where I have used he word black and "Whatever American" where I have used the word white. I claim Poetic License).