JW's are not Christians

by Witch Hunter 52 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • GetBusyLiving

    Most of the Christians I've met arent "Christian" as far as I'm concerned, whatever that means anyway. I've met athiest's who act more like Jesus did then most Christians I know.


  • Balsam

    Witch Hunter, I know while I was a JW I often heard JW were a cult. When I asked just what that meant I was given the explaination you have that JW's don't believe in the divinity of Christ, Grace, and salvation through Christ. I would say we do though, leaving me very puzzled. JW fully believe Jesus is not just a human man but fully divine god, (yes small g for god). Buy saying that they did not see Jesus as having come down from heaven as Jehovah himself, but rather as the son of God come in the flesh. As others have pointed out that Jesus is the source of that salvation. The problem being is JW have this faithful and discreet slave class they believe are spokespersons for Jesus. Which is fully wrong.

    Ok now I am out of the JW's, and have done some intense research and have to admit I think they may be wrong in their perception. But I am not at the same time sure that the trinity as it is taught today is entire correct either. I have come to feel that the bible is unclear as to just who Jesus is. Is he God Almighty come in the flesh to save mankind, or the Son of God come to same mankind. The scriptures seem to indicate both which is confusing.

    I know some Southern Baptist that simply feel that unless everyone believes exactly as their Church teaches concerning Jesus then others are not Christians. That is debatable. The other thing is it presents a position that not any different than the JW in their teachings.

    Lastly I've learned that JW's are cult because of the cultish tactics that keep their follower carefully under their thumb and control. Mind control is the key to figuring out if a religion is a cult. Jehovah's Witnesses do use these tactics.

    For those who say JW are not Christian, I can neither agree or disagree because the teachings on Christ and God Almight are pretty unclear from the bibles we have today. It is a matter of perception isn't it?

  • Satanus

    Their 'contract' is w the publishing house which russels started. The form of the contract is water dunking. That is how it is activated. After submitting to that in front of witnesses, the candidate is from then forward beholden to the wt corporation as his supreme authority, w no recourse to any other body, god, angel, mediator or corporation.


  • mouthy

    After submitting to that in front of witnesses, the candidate is from then forward beholden to the wt corporation as his supreme authority, w no recourse to any other body, god, angel, mediator or corporation.


    That is absolutly true !!!!!!!!!!!

  • Honesty
    okay, but Christians are ethical monotheistic, meaning they only believe in one God. So if what you say is true, then again these Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians.

    The JW's believe in a polytheistic God. They believe Jehovah is the Big God and Jesus is the little god. Ask them if there is only one true God and they will say "Yes" Ask them to read John 1:1 out of their apostate NWT and then ask them which God is the true one and which one is the false one. he he he

  • itsallgoodnow

    JW's are a cult, as are many other religions who call themselves Christians. These cults need to call themselves Christians or it would be more difficult to attract new converts. I'm agnostic, so I don't really care what religionists call themselves. They are all very much the same to me, only some groups take the insanity much further than others.

  • AuntieJane

    Wasn't the title, Jehovah's Christian Witnesses, added in recent years? I think it was added only to try and make them appear more mainstream. Anyone have this history?? I'd like to know when it was added.

    I vote NO that JWs are not true Christians.

    Trinity or No, it is the Holy Spirit who indwells in Christian believers. How much WTS teaching is given re the Holy Spirit??

  • Romans 8:9, 14 "But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.... [14] for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."
    (If we "have not the Spirit of Christ" we are not his...not Christians. But, if, and only if, we "are led by the Spirit of God" we are the sons of God...Christians.
    The word "Christian" does not just mean"a follower of Christ," but, rather, it means "belonging to Christ." A Christian possesses eternal life through the Spirit of Christ that is in him or her.
    Christians are not those who just blandly follow the teachings of Jesus because they think it is a nice way to live and behave. Christians are not those who just look to Christianity as some kind of cure-all for a nation's social ills.
    Jesus came here and died a gruesome death so that we might have eternal life. He loves us, and wants us to live forever with him. That is the fact, and the subsequent hope, that a Christian bases his or her life on.)
  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    I would have thought that a Christian is a disciple of Christ (of that discipline) - one who follows Christ.

    Healing the sick and feeding the multitude is not in the discipline of jwism - it is a different discipline with proselytism and appearances being the core disciplines.

    Indeed, most western Christianity is a bit disturbing.

  • M.J.

    OK. I personally woudn't consider them Christians because they have essentially replaced having a relationship with Christ with following an organization. Even though I am a Trinitarian I don't think that identifying this doctrine as your official explanation for honoring the Son just as you honor the Father (John 5:23) is a requirement for being Christian. The important thing is that you actually follow the scripture on this point, which the JWs don't do.

  • FairMind

    Witch Hunter, you are very argumentative and dogmatic in your statement that JWs are not Christians. The WTS indeed does have many faults but so does every other Christian claiming religion I’ve ever known. JWs are just as Christian as you are, maybe more so.


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