Small town USA..............

by Sunnygal41 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I was born in a very small village, in the house of the son of a Maori chief on the banks of the Tutaikuri River

    Tutai = shit

    kuri = dog

    I went to his funeral many years ago. A huge turnout. He died at the wheel of a school bus.

    The kids all let out the mating call of a seagull....


  • what_Truth?

    Grew up in a small town in Canada. We had this TALL ASSED PINETREE in the back yard. At one point the roots of the tree where exposed so that it formed a large wooden arc about the thickness of a hand rail. When I was a kid i would play with this root and pretend it was the stearing wheel for a space ship.

  • Whiskeyjack

    I grew up in a small industrial (in the great white north) and what I miss the most is the church bell organ of the main church in town (they used to play everyday). Still miss that sound (never mentionned it to my folks though!). I also miss the accents of the people there.


  • Sunnygal41

    I feel so honored by all these beautiful memories you are sharing.........I'm loving the pictures and all the little glimpses into the souls of the people their words are mom was born in a paper mill town.........Ticonderoga, NY, which is a native american word meaning "land between two waters"......Lake George and Lake Champlain..........I remember as a kid at noon the whistle would blare thru town.......and at certain points during the day, the mill would open a huge escape chimney and "stuff" would roar out of it in a huge, white cloud.........if you didn't know when to hang your laundry, mom said it would be covered with black revolved around the paper mill.......the LaChute River runs thru town and down near the mill, different chemicals and run off emptied into it........I remember one bridge I'd stand on and throw rocks into it and watch them disappear into the chartreuse green "muck" at the bottom of the crick..........I remember listening to tales the grownups would tell of horrible accidents involving the big logging trucks hauling HUGE trees to the mill on the mountainous roads in that part of the's in the midst of the Adirondack Mt.'s.

  • Sunnygal41
    we had horses....I remember the warm earthy smell of them.

    Me too!!! And, down the street from where my gram and gramp lived, there was a pony farm, with over 30 ponies, 40+ dogs of indeterminate breeding, various wild animals such as bobcats, owls, cougar, coy dogs, honey bees, porcupines and the odd skunk and song birds..............I remember sitting on a pony's back on a cold, November day........a light drizzle for rain and the tops of the mountains are covered with a smoky haze.......I'm dreaming on that warm animal's back; the two draft horses are munching happily on hay; and my pony is staring intently into the woods at the far end of the field.............

  • outoftheorg

    My earliest memories are from around 5 / 7 yrs. old in Grants Pass Ore.

    Standing on the corner watching hundreds of soldiers marching down the main street / road in ww 2.

    Taking my wooden wagon to the corner black smith "yeah still working" and watch him fix it with red hot metal rod to drill through the wood.

    Crying and confused when they arrested my only older brother for not taking a job in the local hospital to substitute being in the army. He was 19.

    Fishing with my dad on the Rogue river.


  • candidlynuts

    i grew up in a small town.. smell of freshly mowed grass... the smell of burning leaves in the fall..

    seeing everyone and their grandma everytime i went to walmart....

  • Country_Woman

    do you mean this one ? Centaurea

  • under74

    I was born in a small town in Eastern Washington and lived there until I was around 9.

    What I remember most was how hot the summers were. The street we lived on was paved and would actually get soft from the heat. Also during the summertime all the kids in my neighborhood were allowed to stay out really late so long as we were together and stayed on the block. So we'd have these giant games of Capture the Flag or hide n seek at 11pm.

    We weren't allowed to do this after we moved to the city.

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