Can you believe this!

by qwerty 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • qwerty

    Can you believe this!

    Carlo said ...............

    Visit my Circuit Overseer page Jul 18, 2001 8:08:35 PM
    Hello Brothers and Sisters
    I'm a circuitoverseer. You are welcome to visit my page at


    One nice piece of advice from the well trained borg mentality of Carlo!......

    Dear CO:

    My 20 year old daughter was recently disfellowshipped for fornication (she got pregnant and isn't married). My husband and I have completely cut her off, thrown her out of the house, refused to help with any financial or emotional support, and won't speak to her, just as the elders have counseled. When the baby is born, we want to be able to see it and of course, bring it into The Truth. However, our daughter is very angry and is totally unrepentant, and has even been exhibiting some apostate attitudes. (my comment, wouldn't you be if you parents totaly cast you off, an abundance of love shown to her might have helped more......Haaaaaagg!)
    She just can't see how much she is hurting us.


    My question is would it be considered "theocratic warfare" to get custody of the baby once it is born? She obviously will be an unfit mother, condemning her own baby to death by turning her back on Jehovah's organization. I am hesitant to ask our own congregation elders about this matter because since my daughter's disfellowshipping it seems that many in the congregation have been keeping their distance from my husband and myself. I am hoping that if we can get the baby into the truth we will be back in the good graces of the congregation once again.

    Signed, Sister Goodmother

    (THE ADVICE)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Dear Sister,
    as your elders have so wisely counseled you, you should continue to shun your daugher. This is the most loving thing you can do for her in this situation. The Watchtower warns us that parents can have only limited contact with disfellowshipped adult children for "family emergencies or urgent family business" and to visit grandchildren. Now, it is up to your own conscience as to what you personally consider to be family business.
    I know of one elder who considered summer vacations family business and invited all three of his disfellowshipped children and their families to spend two weeks in a rented cabin on the lake. However, he did follow the guidelines of "not eatting with such a person", therefore he ate his meals in a separate room. Considering that you want to show your congregation that you are spiritually strong, I would advise you to follow the guidelines from the faithful and discreet slave to the letter, avoiding all contact whatsoever. There is no reason you ever have to see this baby at all.
    I know many many parents who have disfellowshipped children and these children have gone on to have families and the faithful parents have never even seen these grandchildren. What strong examples of trusting in Jehovah and his appointed organization we can see before us!
    If you want to get back in the good graces of your congregation, you must show how spiritually strong you are. Have you considered pioneering? Now that your daugher is out of the house, you and your husband should have more time for service. Perhaps you could both pioneer. This would truly make Jehovah happy

    Stupid Fools!


  • Celia

    QWERTY : Is this for real ?
    And they call themselves Christians ?
    WOW !
    Give me apostate parents anytime.
    I am still in France btw.
    Has the "SilentLambs" show aired already ?

  • Mulan

    The last we heard the Dateline show will most likely be in September, when more people are watching TV again. Summer isn't a good time for it. But it WILL be on.

  • Celia

    Mulan, Hi, What are you doing up at this time of night ? Four in the morning in the USA ? Here it is almost ten-thirty in the morning, glorious day in the mountains. Thanks for your answer.

  • Mulan

    Well, it is only 1:45 AM on the West Coast where we live. Today was the wedding rehearsal for my son's wedding tomorrow. I just can't unwind, so am having my second brandy, and trying to get in the mood to sleep. Where are you?

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • qwerty

    It might be an Hoax judging by some of the other questions asked!


  • anglise


    Where did this information come from??

    If it is legitimately from one of the society's publications, then I can use it in a very current legal dispute involving a child.

    Please let me know.

  • logical

    Now, why dont they put that on the JW site? "Disfellowshipping does not sever family ties"

    MY ARSE. Thats pure evil, HATRED.


    Possibility - maybe this "Carlos" person is an undercover apostate, using "worst case scenario" to point out how wrong the WTS are. The scary thing, however, is that it DOES happen like the above, from what ive been told.

  • qwerty


    The info came from another post by someone called Carlo who says he is a CO !!!???!!!

    Just finding you the post.......... Ha ha!

    Try this above. I think you need to make your own mind up with the aid of the other replies too.


  • Celia

    I am in the Jura mountains of France
    How was the wedding ?

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