Submit your favorite quote!

by Spartacus 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • silver252525

    'Nothing venture nothing gain'.
    We will never know until we try.

  • Commie Chris
    Commie Chris

    Freedom, by any means necessary.

    - Malcom X

  • mommy

    Carpe Diem!

  • ExmormonRobertson

    I have a couple
    "I've had a wonderful evening, this wasn't it!" -Groucho Marx
    "The Book of Mormon is a miracle, the miracle is that Joseph Smith was able to stay awake when he wrote it." -Mark Twain
    "Dear Lord, give me chastity and self-restraint... but not yet, O Lord, not yet!" -St. Augustine A.D. 354-430
    "If you walk away from me I'll just love you from behind." -Martin
    "Free your mind and your a$$ will follow." -Funkadelic
    "Peg, I married you until death do us part! When I die, I get to fool around." Al Bundy

  • Seeker

    "I would never want to belong to a club that would have me for a member."

    -- Groucho

  • Commie Chris
    Commie Chris

    No matter where you go, there you are.

    - Buckaroo Bonzai

  • think41self

    "Tomorrow is a fresh day with no mistakes in it." "Anne of Green Gables" by Lucy Maude Montgomery.


    "When agnostics die, do they go to the great perhaps"?

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    "I GOT YOU THE BALL". . . Danny in the movie The Replacements

  • VeniceIT

    hmmm I'll have to go with Slips old signature

    "You can pretend to be serious, you cannot pretend to be witty'


    "The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong, is to let him have his own way."---Josh Billings

  • philo

    I love him who chastises his God because he loves his God: for he must perish by the anger of his God.

    I call it evil and misanthropic, all this teaching about the one and the perfect and the unmoved and the sufficient and the intransitory.

    "We have grown pious again" - thus these apostates confess; and many of them are still too cowardly to confess it.

    Nietsche (Zarathustra)


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