Terri Schiavo petition on site

by missy04 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • missy04

    I was reading through the terrisfight.org site and ran across the section "How you can help"

    There is a petition to sign on the site to save Terri. Here is the link to it for those who want to sign it. I'm really sorry if I'm repeating anything from any other threads.

    's for Terri

    Here is the link: http://www.justicecoalition.org/petition2.htm


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Let us all help by letting her die in peace already, and end this media circus!

    As I've mentioned before, if the parents would've had to pay for keeping her alive in such a deplorable veggetative state, they would've pulled the plug a long, long, long time ago.


  • Bas

    they still haven't reinserted the feedingtube, have they? It's shame they want to let her die. She doesn't seem to suffer and she is NOT in a coma, so I can't think of a reason to let her die. Can I (as a foreigner) sign the petition too?


  • Crumpet

    Yes I'm not sure why starving the woman to death is considered more humane than keeping her alive. The humane thing would be lethal injection - but I am speaking from what I would personally want if I was in that situation.

  • Peppermint

    If I were in her situation I would prefer to die, both for my family and me.

  • missy04

    I don't know bas but you can try..I would imagne you can.

    This is one of the worst things I have ever heard of.

    I saw this one photo of her on the site and...She was looking at her mom in this photo. It seemed obvious to me that her facial expression were NOT one of someone who had no thoughts or feelings.

  • missy04

    I know there are lots of different opinions that people have on this issue and everyone is entitled to their own opinion...

    I'm not debating it with anyone..I'm too sensetive about this and it won't help any.

  • Slick Willie
    Slick Willie

    Sarah, thank you for posting this. I just went to the site and did the petition.

    I cannot believe that they are trying to kill Terri even though she can breathe on her own and only needs a feeding tube to survive. If her husband Michael had not been pushing for her death this wouldn't even be an issue. It seems like if he really cared about Terri then he would let her parents have guardianship and move on with his life. If she truly has no consciousness, then she has no awareness, no pain - why not give the parents the comfort of caring for her? On the other hand, if she does have some cognitive function, it would be murder to starve her to death based on a "hearsay" statement that she would not want to live that way. You can't even win a case in small claims court with hearsay evidence! Why would the courts allow someone to be starved to death based on this? Crazy!!

    Makes me wonder who's next? The severely retarded, the mentally ill, old people?

  • karly

    I work with people with disabilities. I think saying you would want to die if in that state sometimes betrays an ignorance of the quality of life that people with severe disabilities can have. It can also betray a sort of unexamined prejudice that the general public has towards individuals with disabilities.

    I used to think the same sort of things until I began working with these individuals.

    Just a few years ago, there was widespread hoopla about the right brain-left brain research. Now some researchers are saying the whole brain is involved in thought patterns. Not all that long ago, research was more concerned with the neurons themselves--now researchers are discovering that the connections between the neurons may be the key to understand thought patterns and memory. Not long ago, many scientists believed that certain types of neurons were incapable of regrowth if damaged. Now there is evidence that this could be wrong.

  • missy04

    Slick: My thoughts exactly...who next? They're not only allowing people with thoughts and feelings to die, they're forcing it.

    If I was in her condition, I wouldn't want to die much less be starved to death...

    I would want to live my life being around the people that I love.


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